Why Should You Use a VPN While Traveling? | VeePN Blog (2024)

When planning your holidays or a business trip, you probably think of some essentials first. Of course, nobody wants to forget a passport or put airline tickets in the wrong pocket. But do you consider your Internet security among these must-have preparations? Probably not, but you definitely should.

Tourists often fall victim to hacker attacks and other cyber threats. And one of the most effective ways to not let your vacation turn into a nightmare is to install a VPN app on your device. Such a tool will not just make your travel more secure but will also enhance your Internet privacy and provide access to limited online content. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Read further to learn the most compelling reasons why you need a VPN when traveling abroad.

Do you need a VPN for international travel?

If you’re looking for a short answer, it’s yes. Using a virtual private network (VPN) when going on a trip is certainly worth it. A VPN protects your traffic from hackers, snoopers, and sniffers that may try to compromise your private data. For instance, when you’re using insecure public networks, a VPN will prevent your personal information from being stolen.

This is possible because a VPN encrypts your data and redirects it to the chosen remote server. It hides your IP address and conceals your online identity, ensuring that neither your location nor browsing activities are visible to third parties. Instead, they will only see the VPN’s anonymous IP for online protection.

Let’s dive deeper into these and other reasons why a VPN is a must when traveling to another country.

Why should you use a VPN while traveling?

Here are the main reasons why using a VPN is essential for travelers.

Why Should You Use a VPN While Traveling? | VeePN Blog (1)

Enhance online privacy and security

Can the Internet be somehow more dangerous when you’re not at your home or office? Most often, we visit the same websites, social media platforms, and messaging apps when going abroad. So, why bother?

The problem is that when going to another country, you will likely use public Wi-Fi at airports, cafes, trains, and hotels. Free hotspots are very convenient for travelers, but also rather insecure. When you’re connected to a public network, your traffic can be accessed by third parties. And some of those are there to prey on your private data. Here are some of the most common cyber threats you may encounter when using public Wi-Fi.

  1. Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. If your connection is insecure, hackers can put themselves between your device and the server you’re trying to access. This allows them to steal sensitive data, such as logins, transaction details, and other credentials.
  2. Evil twin attacks. A public Wi-Fi you’re using may look legit at first sight, but then turn out to be fake. Instead, it’s an evil clone created by cybercriminals to compromise your privacy.
  3. Malware attacks. Devices connected to public networks are often infected with malware. These are different types of viruses that can be installed on your phone, laptop, or tablet with malicious intentions.

The most effective solution against all those threats is a VPN. Having this tool on your device when going abroad will protect you from hackers and other risks related to public Wi-Fi networks. Besides, a powerful privacy and security feature like VeePN’s NetGuard will help you avoid malicious websites, phishing links, third-party trackers, and potentially infected ads wherever you are.

Overcome Internet limitations

Many countries limit the right of their citizens to browse the Internet freely. And while online censorship can sometimes be noticed even in democracies, its level is incredibly high in countries with authoritarian and totalitarian governments. For instance, when traveling to China, you won’t be able to browse the Internet the way you’re used to. The Great Firewall blocks hundreds of popular websites and apps, including Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Netflix.

Except for China, there are many more countries where Internet freedom is quite limited. To name a few, these are Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and many more. In fact, according to a Freedom House report, the level of Internet censorship is very high in over 20 countries worldwide.

Why Should You Use a VPN While Traveling? | VeePN Blog (2)

What does this mean for you as a tourist or a temporary visitor of one of those countries? You will have to deal with the same problems as locals. Many of your favorite websites won’t be available for you.

Besides, even if the country you’re going to doesn’t impose strict Internet censorship, it still can be challenging for you to access your desired content. For example, libraries of many streaming services, including Netflix and Disney Plus, vary in different countries due to geographical limitations. So it may turn out that you cannot watch the next episode of your favorite series on vacation.

However, nothing is impossible with a VPN turned on. It will allow you to bypass any limitations and watch the content of your choice from anywhere in the world.

VeePN does not promote, condone, or encourage using a VPN in ways that would potentially violate Terms of Service of streaming service providers. For more details, please read the VeePN Terms of Service.

Access your bank accounts

Imagine you appear in a foreign country without access to your bank account. You cannot withdraw money, make any transactions, or pay for services online. Sounds horrible? Sadly, this situation is quite common. Banks often freeze people‘s accounts once they spot a connection from an unusual location. For instance, if your bank is based in the USA and you’ve logged in from Europe, they may prevent you from any online banking activities.

The best way to avoid such an outcome is to use a virtual private network. If you’re connected to a VPN server in your country while abroad, the bank won’t be able to track your actual location.

Besides, a VPN app will protect your online transactions from being compromised by scammers trying to trap shoppers in their phishing net. You can learn how to protect yourself from the most widespread holiday shopping scams from our recent article.

Get better travel deals

Did you know that the prices for airline tickets, hotel booking, and car rental vary in different locations? The factors that affect the cost of those and other similar services depend on the economic situation and average salaries in a particular country. But if you change your IP address with a VPN, no one will know where you’re purchasing from. So you can pick the cheapest deal hassle-free.

A VPN for traveling ensures untraceable browsing, so you can hunt for the best options available and significantly save money. All you need to do is clear your cache and browsing history, turn on the VPN, and change your location several times to find a deal that best suits the budget of your trip.

As you see, there are plenty of reasons why it’s a good idea to use a VPN during your international travels. But how to pick the right service for your needs? Let’s discuss the most critical aspects to take into account when choosing a VPN.

How to choose the best VPN for traveling abroad

There are lots of VPN providers out there, but not all of them are effective and reliable. Some VPNs cannot be trusted because of security vulnerabilities, weak encryption, or a lack of available servers. Pay attention to the following factors when choosing a VPN service for your travel.

  • Avoid free VPNs. When it comes to virtual private networks, you get what you pay for. It may be tempting to protect your device with a free solution, but most of them either lack important functionality or are untrustworthy. Some may even compromise your security.
  • Choose a reputable service provider. For instance, VeePN is a feature-rich solution that adheres to a strict No Logs policy. It means that your data won’t be collected, hijacked, or transferred to third parties.
  • Pay attention to the encryption protocols. Only top-rated VPN providers follow the most secure and stable encryption standards. Make sure your chosen service uses AES-256 encryption enhanced with reliable VPN protocols, such as OpenVPN, WireGuard, and IKEv2/IPSec.
  • Prioritize privacy and security features. Your Internet safety should be the main priority. It’s worth checking if a VPN service has the necessary functionality to get you covered.
  • Consider the connection speed. Any VPN service slightly reduces your Internet speed since your traffic moves through an encrypted tunnel. However, this slowdown is hardly noticeable when using a powerful VPN tool.
  • Check the number of available endpoints. Make sure your VPN solution provides a sufficient number of servers in different countries to choose from.

How to start using a VPN while traveling

Setting up a VPN app is a simple process that will not take much time and effort. Here is how to start using VeePN before going to another country.

Step 1. Download the VeePN client app on your device. VeePN is available for all major operating systems and devices, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.

Why Should You Use a VPN While Traveling? | VeePN Blog (3)

Step 2. Install and run the app. It will immediately allow you to take advantage of all essential VPN features.

Why Should You Use a VPN While Traveling? | VeePN Blog (4)

Step 3. Pick the VPN server that suits your needs. With VeePN, you can pick one of over 2,500 servers across 89 locations in 60 countries worldwide, including the US, the UK, Argentina, Colombia, UAE, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Turkey, and many more.

Why Should You Use a VPN While Traveling? | VeePN Blog (5)

Step 4. Turn on your VPN and enjoy safe and anonymous browsing wherever you are.

Why Should You Use a VPN While Traveling? | VeePN Blog (6)

Safeguard your upcoming trip with VeePN!

Whether you need to enhance your Internet privacy when going abroad or just looking for a way to save money on airline tickets, VeePN will do the job for you. It’s a reliable VPN service with a number of powerful features that will prevent any potential headaches during your travels. Try VeePN today, and don’t let Internet security challenges ruin your trip.


Do I need a VPN when traveling?

Yes! A virtual private network is a must-have tool that will keep you safe during your trip. Here are the main reasons to empower your device with a VPN when going abroad.

  • Protect you against public Wi-Fi security challenges
  • Hide your digital footprint
  • Help you bypass Internet limitations
  • Allow you to access your bank accounts
  • Get the cheapest travel deals

To learn more about a VPN for traveling, read this article.

What are the main benefits of using a VPN?

A VPN provides many advantages if you strive for safe and anonymous online activities with no limits. Here’s how you can benefit from this tool:

  1. Top-notch security. A VPN protects you from various cyber threats, such as man-in-the-middle attacks, DDoS attacks, malware-infected links, and phishing websites.
  2. Ultimate privacy. A VPN hides your IP address and prevents third parties from monitoring your online activities.
  3. Internet freedom. With a VPN, you can access blocked content, address Internet limitations, and overcome online censorship.

What happens if you don’t use a VPN?

Without a VPN, your private data can be compromised by hackers, scammers, and other malicious actors. Also, cybercriminals can infect your device with malware. Moreover, your browsing activities can be tracked by your ISP (Internet service provider), ad agencies, governments, and other nosy third parties.

Why Should You Use a VPN While Traveling? | VeePN Blog (7)

Written by VeePN Research Lab VeePN Research Lab is dedicated to provide you latest posts about internet security and privacy.

Why Should You Use a VPN While Traveling? | VeePN Blog (8)

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Why Should You Use a VPN While Traveling? | VeePN Blog (2024)


Why Should You Use a VPN While Traveling? | VeePN Blog? ›

A VPN protects your traffic from hackers, snoopers, and sniffers that may try to compromise your private data. For instance, when you're using insecure public networks, a VPN will prevent your personal information from being stolen.

Why use a VPN while Travelling? ›

A VPN makes a great travel companion thanks to its privacy features and geographic unblocking. Since a VPN encrypts your internet traffic, it protects your data to a degree from others on a public Wi-Fi network seeking unencrypted data.

Why should you use a VPN? ›

A VPN, which stands for virtual private network, protects its users by encrypting their data and masking their IP addresses. This hides their browsing activity, identity, and location, allowing for greater privacy and autonomy. Anyone seeking a safer, freer, and more secure online experience could benefit from a VPN.

Why should you use a VPN and what is the downside of using one? ›

If you want to access content blocked or restricted in your country, a VPN lets you connect to servers in other countries where that content is available. While VPNs have a lot of perks, there are potential downsides, too. A VPN can reduce internet speed and increase latency, which slows down online activities.

What is a VPN Quizlet? ›

VPN. Virtual Private Network. Purpose of a VPN. Creates a remote but secure point to point connection across a private or a public network (like the internet).

What happens if you don't use a VPN? ›

Without a virtual private network (VPN), your internet service provider (ISP) may record your online activity and sell it to the highest bidder. However, you can protect your internet traffic with a VPN while browsing at home, at work, or connected to a public network.

What happens if you connect to a VPN in your own country? ›

Connecting to a VPN server in the same country is just as secure as connecting to a server in a foreign country. The only downside is that you won't bypass geographical restrictions since your ISP sees you in the same location.

What is the purpose of VPN? ›

A virtual private network, or VPN, is an encrypted connection over the Internet from a device to a network. The encrypted connection helps ensure that sensitive data is safely transmitted. It prevents unauthorized people from eavesdropping on the traffic and allows the user to conduct work remotely.

Does VPN really protect you? ›

It's important to remember that VPNs do not work in the same way as comprehensive anti-virus software. While they will protect your IP and encrypt your internet history, but that is as much as they can do. They won't keep you safe, for instance, if you visit phishing websites or download compromised files.

What is the biggest advantage of a VPN? ›

Understanding the pros of VPNs
  • Hide your IP and browsing activity from your ISP and hackers. ...
  • Connect safely to public Wi-Fi. ...
  • Browse from home while you're abroad. ...
  • Avoid price discrimination. ...
  • Shop safely online. ...
  • Prevent bandwidth throttling and DDoS attacks. ...
  • Protection in regions with low internet freedom.
May 16, 2024

Why shouldn't you use VPN all the time? ›

While people sometimes use VPNs to bypass geo restrictions or for malicious deeds, some websites block access if a user's VPN is on. In such cases, disabling a VPN might be necessary. Avoiding software conflicts. Some applications or services, such as online games or streaming services, may clash with a VPN.

Is there anything bad about using a VPN? ›

A VPN may boast strong protocols and military-grade encryption, but that doesn't mean it's infallible. It can't prevent cookie tracking, viruses, or malware, and it can't protect against phishing scams. Data leaks could occur. But most pivotally, a VPN is only as secure as the company that runs it.

Which two of the following are benefits of VPNs? ›

A VPN can: Prevent web browsers and others from accessing your connection. Help keep the information you send and receive anonymous and secure. Provide military-grade 256-bit encryption of your data to form secure VPN tunnels.

How to use a VPN and why? ›

The basic process for using a VPN is to install a VPN app on your device, fire it up, log into your account and select a server. For the fastest speeds, you'll typically want to choose a server geographically nearby, but for accessing region-specific content, pick a VPN server in your desired country.

Why is a VPN important when working remotely on Quizlet? ›

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a way of adding an extra level of privacy to your online activity. VPNs encrypt your device's internet connection, allowing you to surf the web privately and free of snooping or hackers. Much like a home security system, a VPN keeps your valuables safe and everything else outside.

Does using VPN avoid roaming charges? ›

Can I use a VPN to avoid roaming charges? You cannot avoid roaming charges using a VPN because you still use your internet provider's network to connect. However, a VPN like Surfshark can help improve internet speed and save mobile data when roaming by blocking ads and banners with its CleanWeb feature.

Why use a VPN when searching for flights? ›

Using a VPN to find cheaper flights is a straightforward process that involves masking your real location to avoid price discrimination. By changing your IP address, a VPN also helps to hide the fact that you'd recently searched for flights.

Does using a VPN change my location? ›

A VPN changes your real IP address to that of a VPN server. This makes your traffic look like it's coming from the location of the VPN server, not your actual physical location. Depending on your VPN service, this IP may rotate every 5 to 10 minutes or stay the same for as long as you're connected.

Should you use a VPN on airplane Wi-Fi? ›

Yes, using a VPN on airplane WiFi is generally safe and actually enhances your security by encrypting your data. It's a recommended practice — VPNs add privacy and security on public networks like those found on airplanes.


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