The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1-. THE SPRINGFIELD UNION: MONDAY. MAY 22, 1022 13 Haven't Done All You Can To Find What You've Lost Until You've Advertised REAL ESTATE FOR RENT I REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Apartments and Flats 71 Farms for Rent 76 Real Estate Agents Houses for Sale 81 Houses for Sale 81 ROSELAND ST 38-5-room steam 5 OR 10 ACRES of land in Agawam. R. GOLDSTEIN.

SAMUEL Real estate, FOREST PARK SECTION-6-room cot- FOR QUICK your 2-family heat, bot -water, electricity, janitor serv- 7144-R. insurance. loans, Main selling st, on commis. tage, modero, garage, down. houses with me: we have clients waitice.

R. 3794-W. or 2561-R. Bion. Room 607.

318 R. W. 16x227 terms $1160 Ing. 11. G.

Webster. Tel. Wal. 1780. BALES ST- Modern' 2 and A 3-room apt.

Houses for Kent GUMBLE. F. W. W. 374 Main Realtors, St.

Henley 327 Main St. nice you are looking for Days, Wal. 3818, or nighta River 6753-J. ANDREW ST 99-Modern, 5 rooms, to Phone houses for River sale, 7700., renting. FOREST PARK- Beat location, modern.

2-family, with clean home 1n Springheld SARATOGA ST 75-Steam heated, 5-room rent. Phone River 1204-M. built terms; one single year ago, house, 7 strictly rooms built FOR SALE- large -Goodrich grounds, call w. 1846-J. apartment.

Janitor service, vacant June BELMONT AVE 345-8-room tenement. HAMBLEN, F. 11. R. Realtors: Are of modern.

And gArage, $7500 fly 14-room 2-fam1. Wal. 4287. house, all modern, with or without estates. 318 Main loans 8t.

River 2076. care Karp, 305 Dickinson St. it. other house, at 15 $1000 Washington down, easy stucco terma: SARATOGA ST 37-Near Main. 4-room cor- Tel: R.

1119-R. or R. 6564. LOCKE-2C caring for FOREST PARK 'SECTION--A goud cor- galow, big 2-car garage. Inquire 15 ner pleasant.

apta, hot water, large, light and See BELMONT vacant AVE July 901-Lower Walnut 1-room 2291-R. mod. property and collecting rents, 3 381 Main ner, 4-family house; 4 stores and garage, Washington No brokers. HAWLEY Walker, at 75 Saratoga St. ready River now.

6841-R. ern Republican Bldg. and income $3100, price only A HOUSE or int yna are looking for, 2-bedrooms: SARATOGA ST 84-3-room steam BELMONT AVE 486-8-room tenement. NORRIS-HOWARD estate, in- $20,500: See party S. must Cohen.

sell by Beaumont June why not buy in the neatest. most heat. all modern. hot water yr. round.

mont Ave. Tel. Wal. 58925. tion surance, loans.

State auctioneers. 145 St. notaries, I'hona Wal. 446. R.

4183-R. modern. Inquire I. Feldman. 600 Bel- terns.

date suburb of Springdeld. Call R. 9215-M. R. 1960 or 64 Saratoga St.

Mrs. Ringham CHARTER ST house, BROKERAGE Real FORT PLEASANT AVE -tenement MODERN 2-family, 14-ronm house, at a SARATOGA ST-5 rooms. steam-heated. garden, cheap rent. 885 Worthington St.

SPRINGFIELD 264 house, all modern pre-war price. It. 1071-W. Janitor service, vacant June 1, $45 per 25-6-room half Main estate: st. farm Phone property River specialty.

TER. East Forest Park, NEAR OAK ST-5-room cottage and mo, R. 1298-11. CHARTER AVE. cheap Key 885 hour Wor- 1424.

newly built bungalows, rooms each, store, no agents, Box 415, Union Office. SHEL.DUN ST 12- rooma modern. Call large thington garden: W. 2434-W. rent.

UNITED REALTY TRUST real eatata. Main the best section; these are Ane NEAR MARKSIIINE AVE -Scarly new 21 Greenwich St. Walnut 1388-W. bought, sold and exchanged. 280 homes and each one har nice lot: price ronin cottage.

heat: $3700: PAY ST 66-5-rm. steam-heated CHESTNUT ST on premises. 640-Modern 8-room ten- St. Suit. 303.

R. 4462. tight and terms Bright wand Realty term. Cornelius, 876 Minin ft. W.

1156. apt. also garage. Inq. D' Amours.

ST hot FARMS Wallace and M. all kinds of country 319. property. Trust. Box 94.

Chicopee, Station, OFF WILTIRATIAM -NeW cotEment. Inq. SPRING ST 60-Modern. 6 room Pot. Inq CHURCH all modern tenement, improve st.

River. Room River W. Phone tags, Areplace, bard wand. R. 7338-J.

Janitor Spring R. ments. Walnut 3116 or Walnut GRENADA 14-roulu. OPP CAREW ST- 10 ronme, water, steam heat, 3678. 1:60.

SPRING ST 135-4 and 6-room apartment, DICKINSON ST 686-7 rooms, June 1. Farms and Land for Sale 83 fauilly house and garage: lot steam, modern: price steam heat. hot water and janitor serv- adults. 24 steam, electricity. slate runt, forms Thomas.

789 Main St. R. Ire. Lincoln Realty Trust. River $038.

11 ACRES land. house treen, rooms; apple In A1 condition; owing to death to fam OFF CENTRAL forSPRING ST 29- The newly dec- $15. DICKINSON R. 6598-R. upper tenement, fruit, on pear state.

and road: cherry also store Ily this property I- now offered for nare heat, rood condition. River lot small orated -room adults. R. Ink all kinds of goods, also larre grain un at once. Arthur G.

Taylor 1229-M. STATE ST 966-Modern 4-room apt. and DICKINSON 5 rooms. 8T modern, 20-16-New convenient tenement, house on railroad siding: price com" 377 Main 8t. W.

1420. OFF SUMNER Park, 2-family. River 1106-2. quire premises, or River piete $3600. Brokerage $16001 down, Main bargain.

St. rooms, 241 Noor, 310 lot: 14-room price house, $8300, a terma, electricity, Call S. Cohen. larre $45 month. The Janion STATE ST $47-6 and 4 drst Door; DORN ST -Tenement to' rent, 40 ACRES with buildings.

Wilbraham Main St. River adults only. Inq. Janitor. adults.

this is located where land Incensing SECTION-2-family house. DINER leaving city, will sell my 2-famSTATE ST 663-5-roans modern apt, frat DUNMORELAND ST-6 1st floor. rapidly: An place for poultry. good electricity, 2-car garage, price fly double house, 6 rooms rach, elde Imfloor. Apply Lincoln Realty Trust, R.

8038. modern. ready June 11. Tel. W.

4680, chard. iv. I. Metcalf, R. 3518.

terms. 8, Cohen. 75 Beaumont, It. garage, extra large lot, SUMNER AVE 125- 5-room apt. EASTERN AVE.

-5-r. upper. In ACRE dairy and poultry farm on state MILL SECTION-2-family, strictly mod nut fruita, Ht. vines: 35 terms to suit: just off WatR. 3310.

pair, $23. Mass Realty mad: T-room house, Alcotric lights, ern, safare $5400 bank Pendleton AYe. SUMNER AVE and 5-room apta Largest $56 Main St. Wal. 308.

60 coops, hens, Xe 300 appla chickens, trees, cown, strawberry 1 horse. beds, Price Long. 374 Main. W. 2907.

8-family, 14. rooms, All Improvements, A OWNER LEAVING CITY. section, Inq. R. 1223-R.

FOREST tenement PARK- from last part well-furnished of June antil pies, incubator. 10 brooders, all kiods of HILI. RECTION, rear s-room frat class condition. R. 2401-M.

1 SUMNER. 4-room rent first part of Norember: reasonable to de- crops; $5000. terma. Sprinkleld modern cottage, furnace. large corner.

lot, STRICTLY modern house of rooms in 3520 reasonable. or River Inquire 1614-R. Edw. Seltzer. Walnut sirable party, Walnut 4071-R: call inorn- Farni Real Estate 334 Main St.

Healey attractive remidential afreet. Kimberly Healey, 327 Main St. Ines before p. m. 90 ACRES- In Witbrahant, old fashioned Wlachester single house, from large Are.

sortion. Phone 13. Longmeadow. block, Walnut 2338. steam, FRANKLIN HT 16-To let, lower house, rooms, rood barn.

basem*nt and save broker's commission. UNUSUAL. buy. 2-tamily rooms, UNION ST 529-5-room bot lot, near buy water, new ment. cellar, lot of and timber, fruit.

Union Office. throughout, large lot. price. UNION ST Ridgewood." berries; a fue pond and trout hrook: ('all Julius Molt Grant ready June 1. River SA3S.

GRENADA TER $1-Desirable t-room, $2500. Springdeld Farm Real Estate have lint for of owners anxions ready 4365 or W. UNION ST 533-fModern hot downstairs, ST July 1nt. 210-Single Alain St. to sell huy: and are tanking property rustomera specialty.

I FAMILY. 14 very water year round. Martin. Walnut 4225. HANco*ck house.

rooms. 100 -Farm. half tillare. 100 cheater Square Agency. lox 179.

Nigh mistern, W. 4366. WALNUT ST Centrally located electric 10, light, steam, between 40 ple head: trees, alto, 11-room and house, milk barn house, ties land Station. modern: terms rigiot: always and 4 and 5 light outside rooms. newly HICKORY ST- Modern tenement.

head, atock. horses. tools: conven- siacle house, 10 rented. It. Box.

589. I'nion Office. entirely and hot modern. water: rent reasonable. Anor, rooms, $18.

Phone Westheld lent to termis, George R. At- modern, lot 5 min. to close to car line: nomerated, car lines. plenty of Fre steam Janitor. or F.

4963-MI. derman, 254 Alain St. l'hone I. 4063. Square, $8600, $1500 down: another thing good.

2201-M. Lox 673, Union WALNUT ST Modern 5-room in steam- ex- room LOMBARD tenement, AVE 269. stucco Girard house. electricity. Riso for sunlight and moonshine ramp and State lot soxico, 1-car 4-ROOM bungalow.

short walk to 1400 ACRES. valuable for rord wood, room modera between Rd. Onice. boated change for will care of allow block; part of adults. rent R.

hot and cold water, ready June 1, $55 Rites. John N. Moore: Oakham. $5700. $2000 Wilbraham down: Road, another $6500, rooms, $1000 Tel.

Inchonse Walnut and 3547, car line: cheap for cash. 0514-W. month. FARM acres of of 165 level acres, tillage: elegant can all land, be about worked down: Dunmoreland Ft. $-room.

modern, WARRINER AVE 43-4-room apartment, LONGHILL ST 21-Tenement. rooms. by tractor: plenty pasture and wand: standard lot. $8700, $2000 down, D- oft ROOM HOUSE. to settle, big an corner estate lot.

24 floor. Inq. Mr. Rinall. all modern, adulta, reasonable.

W. 14-room. 2-tenement house. cond barn. land chester Station.

Square Agency, Box 179 w. n. Iont. N. 7336-M.

WARRINER AVE 16-5-room R. all MAIN ST rent $30. 803-8-room tenement, Lombard, vacant Room sheds, 18 cows, 3 horses, tools, the 10th 10 rooms, elec- brick, nodern: trade for or modern. Holyoke Inquire 898. 1st ring floor, 1.

right. 214. June 31 1st. Elm Street. R.

E. must sell; price terms. sold Conen: before 158 Main tt. tricity. oak and Anish, French 1-ton, R.

2301-M. Box 690. Union Office. WENDELL AVE: 10-Modern apt. NO.

MAIN 241 (REAR) -Modern 6-room 1512 or W. 1202-R. Open evenines. 1: doors: barcaln being at built by day: terma. ready Owner.

June rented: BLOCK- shows -Centrally STOPS located, 00 Inn. 803 Blain janitor. tenement. FARM- Massachusetts, One of the on main best in Boston eastern rond. part 160 of Wal.

party leaving towl on account nt impare WESTMINSTER ST 90 6-room PARK-15 Fountain Place, 6 rooms, mod- of balance in oak and tant In the West; wIll make steam heat. River 2596-M or River 1619-R. ern, Immediate possession, garage nerer. pasture $5 and acres timber nt, tillage, apple or- french doors, steam. -car garage: price price and terms right for Immediate sale.

WHITE ST-4-room modern fat. wanted. chards, large peach orchard, also plume, $8500, terms to suit: also buncalow. new Box 65t, Union Office. Room 46, 324 Bain St.

UNION ST 142-4-rm. $:0. Inq. Craig cherries and herrien in quantities, and modern. price terma: '28 other 13-ROOS SINGLE.

well built and consh*tTIER ST 105-High-grade. rooms Craig. 45 Lyman St. Jarre all barns, running water, milking W. chome from.

Cohen, 288 Slain St. veniently loested. fine house for large floor, apt. modern. Inq.

313 UNION apartment, all mod- machine, at kinds of farming tools 1518 or W. R. Open family or one wishing to have house pay RAn St. Tel. River 3.03.

ern. Call River 7704. milk sold the door, 2 houses. If 'in- KENTON ST. house for Itself by renting room Tel.

Owner, WINTHROP 8T 23-3 and 4-room UNION rooms modern, upper. terested In real farm see 1. 1. 111- all modern, on easy terme, R. 4831.

or R. 2367-J. steam heat, hot water. service. $23.

R. ST 3937-R. 374 Main St. Tel. R.

4698. Garneau, 807 Stain. R. or R. Kurvitz.

River UNION ST tenement, up to FARMS sold FOR SALE -Any properties sale. or LARKAPUR AT 13-6 rooms, newly redo Lots for Sale 8.3 WILCOX ST 52-First Goor! modern date, rent $22. Walnut 2328. goods where, at any time. auction M.

or L. private Knight. orated throughout, newly painted. any like house. price for quick GOOD restricted bullding lot, Park no objection to children, third UNION ST 734-5-room cottage, $20.

Inq. Orange St $750 cash. it. 4087. Room 498.

tion: price $250: terma $5 down, noor. 15 Marble St. FARMS near Spring to 200 acres: Main 8t. month. Address P.

O. Box 667. WORTHINGTON, COR. ARMORT-4-room WARNER ST 19-Modern 4-room tone- some of the Anest Conn. Valley farma.

SI'KNIGHT 9-roomn, mingle BUILDING LOTR-Larce int Forest modern apartment. R. 999 or W. 998. ment.

June 1st. R. 1585. Edward 8. Ellis East Longmeadow, good neighborhood And attractive Park.

all improvements, only acre WORTHINGTON ST-4 and 5-room anod- WHITE. ST 212-High-grade. new 6-roont Masa Tel. 19. grounds.

Henry M. Clark, 100 Broadway. lots In Indian Orchard. $160, terms: ern. apts.

D. F. Morin, 168 Bridge. R. 999..

cottage, modern. Inq. 312 Dickinson St. FARMS in Amherst Relchertown. Enneld, River 3339.

Walnut 2584. West lots, gand size. easy terma: WORTHINGTON, COR FEDERAT-3-rm. Tel. River 3703.

Granby, Ludlow. Palmer and other towns. McKNIGHT DISTRICT for home Main building st. loans See; Hawley A Locke, 381 modern apt. D.

F. Morin, 168 Bridge St. WINTHROP ST tenement. Roswell Allen. Belchertown, Bless.

Tel room residence: all modern, with River FOR SALE OR TRADE- Farna of 226 place, very gnod condition: Int CORNER LOT on Denver 74 ft. WORTHINGTON ST-4 rooms. heated. 2d R. acres.

Norwich Hill, Huntington, with a few fruit trees: this must be seen front. price $480 on monthly payments AT THE -12 rooms, modern, 2. bath- unexcelied for view, pure air, and fruit. to appreciate ita value: have 2-tenement! discount for cash. Address Bor 687, door.

$40 month. The Hanion Agency, rooms, newly-painted and decorated. new this houses on the and Park sections. Union 310 Main. plumbing, new electric fixtures, steam over 100 apple planted spring APTS.

OF 4 -Steam heat. heat, furnished, suitable for rooming 11 head of the cattle. 2 pigs, 3 horses, $2000 poultry down For write P'. O. Information Ror 181.

call Wat. 2391-W. or narrowed, per seAson, plowed Benton and st. ROAN PLOTS-50x100 tor service. call Apply 343-W.

to Janitor, 1086 State house. See Samuel Brisk. 83 Common- takes it. Louis G. H.

Kinsman, 38 MASSACHUSETTE AVE family house Apnly 14 Callere 8t. Tel. W. 4 and all tools necessary: or and wealth Ave. R.

5598-R. brier Springhold. Mara. and RATARO. Inquire at 332 Dwight 8t.

LOTS- 30 on Liberty St. car APARTMENTS-5 rooms, Janitor, steam DURING summer months, splendidly fur- GRAND DAIRY FARM, 25 level. Walnut 1-fam line, Improvements up to property, with heat. janitor service. Apply to 'niched house.

hest location Hill. In productive tillage, 40 pasture, large MELHOSE AT. pear electricity and Accessible water: 20 to. 30 lots Pine 79 No. Main or call W.

343-W. Springfield, garage: also modern fur- trout brook. 60 acres nice pine timber, Ily modern house of plumbing. roonis; price $4000. Arthur Point, on Boston in one-fare limit; Lincoln APARTMENTS Realty in Trust, very 387 desirable Main St.

R. locations. 8038 garage, large veranda. W'. 3658.

9-room piazza. 2-story furnace, brick bath, house, running large screened water, G. Taylor $77 Main St. W. racturing in plants; come very desirable lots nished cottage in.

Blandford Center, bath, lots Brightwond section, near 5-room CENTRAL--Hill Long. and 354 Park Main. sections, W. 3. 2907.

WANTED--A Lonkmeadow, couple pleasant surroundings and large rood, large lawn. barn. fountain, garage, beautiful poultry shade bargain. C. Young.

rent. down. balance on easy For to share bungalow in house. NASON Pine Folat. cottage at State Connecticut): 10 apte.

every modern convenience. References trees, miles village, easy drive Athol, Main further particulars, apply to Room 334, DESIRABLE 3-room apt. 26 High St. Air. exchanged.

Box 568. Union Office. (Mass.) station, hay, gasoline en- OAK GROVE AVE -Well built 2-fam- Court Square Hide. Eger. Walnut 2259-R.

sAw rig. hay work and kitchen 2-car garage. $2500 cash. 18 TOUR HEALTH worth spending 6-ROOM MODERN fine summer. sit- Offices and Desk Rooms 78 range included, $4500.

A. D. Jennings, OAK GROVE AVE 158 -New -family day? It it de you can own camp site nation. Robinson, 86 Woodaide Ter. DESK ROOM to rent.

Inq. Federal Sales Winchester. N. H. house.

steam hest. elertricity, bran on a big. clean lake not far from this -ROOM APARTMENT near Main in Con- 91 Dwight St. Wal. I WANT TO SELL MY FARM, located 2 plumbing.

Inq. Owner and Builder. W. city: farmers nearby will sell you cress steam, hot water. rent $10.

In- DESIRABLE OFFICE, suitable for miles from Greenwich, Mass. containing 2571-W. with thick cream, chin quire 15 Congress Ed door. fessional or business man. State 120 acres, of very good land, cuts 60 tons ORANGE ST $1-93-New 2-family tables and ice: call or write for our St.

R. 4160. hay, room plenty house. zocd wood barn, and running timber. Ane water 10- to 12 front rooms.

and 2 rear. steam R. hollers. 6881-M. No Jarge brokers.

era details, telling Boyle Really reach Cumpany, property 318 Main how to and all Furnished Apartments ANDREW ST 10-The Delta Apts, OFFICE in Ok the OTHER firepront PROFESSIONAL both. I will sell very reasonable and but on PARK modern 2-family St. Tel. River ronta furnialted flat. Ring Bell at 175 State new St.

Tel. River 2710. very easy terms. Might exchange. can't help, house, fireplace, price reasonable: LARGE LOT, suitable for chicken BELMONT PLAZA -Modern furnished make Gaucher.

money. owner. 25 Harrison Ave. Geo Tel. C.

must be sold. Phone or inq. 92 form minutes' walk from car line: 3 to rooms, $4 to $14 week. A. E.

MAIN ST fronting on Main W. 4179 or 7591-W. land 9t. price $400. terms down, $10 per Ruckler.

356 Reimont Ave. River 2930. janitor and elevator service. I. 1111.

elec. month Edward Hayier. Main ST 261-Three-room furnished MYRICK BLDG. -Second stores, run from 1 acre land, 10 will be. minutes over nak Noors, brass open plumbing: price Fountain Place: talk quick.

IN WEST SPRINGFIELD. PARK-12-room steam. CAREW apartment, pleasant surroundings, play rooms and offices, single or ensuite, city, cash. P. Jenney, Wal.

Judeison 1340. Realty 25 Harrison Are. sonable. to rent. Call Mr.

Burns, River 35 house, garage and large shed: price Main: St. Tel. W. 100 barrels apples this year, 6-room CRYSTAL, AVE 11-Modern furnished 3- Suburban for Rent 79 $5400, $1500 down: just what a lot of PARK SECTION Three-family house, feet. 2 minutes from room steam heat, hot water.

people are looking for. Springfeld six rooms on frat two doors, 6 on' third, ham Rd. car line: $435, terme Doll Morisett. Walnut CHICOPEE FALLS. 76 MAIN Brokerage 264 Main 8t.

large verandas, hardwood noors and An- Hospital. 25 Dwight At. FOREST PARK-5-room June 15 to lighted, nice rooms, steam, newly-furnished hot and cold for IN WALES. near Take George. ishings, brass plumbing throughout; write only LOT on Brunswick off Sumner in Sept.

15. R. mornings. light water. electric housekeeping, lights.

Near 3 car lines. house 13 rooms, in Ant 24 repair: barn 40x 653. $9600, Unlou $3000 Office. cash. Owner.

Bor good restricted section: Office. terms reasonable. FOREST PARK-6-room furnished Morns. SOUTH HADLEY-Reautiful furnishedl water: 200 acres land, 40 in tillage, bal100 feet. tieup for head, running Apply Box 548.

Union parches. for aummer. R. 3484. cottage for the spason, unexcelled view, Ance pasture and wood: tools.

wagons, price PARK- $926t, terms: also steam. -room electricits. semibun- $150 LOTS FOR 10 SALE- at 395 at each; $125 Atate at. 3 car FOREST PARK-3 to Oct. piano, 1, fine water, very large screened piazzas, harnesses, COIR, 140 apple trees, steam, oak and ash, electricity.

line, Pine T'oint, Roston Road section: each: hot water. from 533, June 1 Office. extensive grounds, flower and vegetable 40 pear trees, blackberries, strawberries. price $51C0. terms to suit; Cohen.

three and four-room camp cottages: $50 $45 a month. Box U'nion gardens. Box 476. Union Office, only large $5500. henhouses $1500 20150 down.

and 14x40; Springfield price Stain Rt. W. 1312 ar W. 1302-R. to $100 down, then from $6 to $8 weekly HIGH ST 61-4-room furnished apt.

Inq. WEST SPRINGFIELD-8-room cottage. all 264 Main 8t. Open evenings. payments.

Address Rox 591, Union premises. Walnut 1299-R. improvements; rent $10. Apply 371 Main Brokerage PARK RECTION-6-r. modern bungalow.

acres, near the Green. LONGFELLOW TER 43-5 roomns, fur- West Springfield. Tel. River FOR SALE-11 Acres, 6-ronm $800. house See In rooms all on one floor, lot 60x123: price $480 an acte Room 118, 26 Harrison nished; desirable.

River 7759-M. Hampden Mountain; Main St. price $68P0. $1600 down. Mars, Realty AVP.

LONG HILL ST. cor. Sumner nicely Summer Places for Rent 80 Geo. Sauer. 469 or Wal.

BRA. Largest 356 Stain LONGMEADOW ST-Large lot, must be furnished apartment of 4 rooms and bath. Lake George. Wales. Mass.

NEARBY farms, sell trade. with some Mild this month, G. lampson, 310 from May 22 to Sept. 18: references ex- Altitude 2000 feet. For rent month ur cash.

Write Box 659. U'nion Office. PARK SECTION- very rood -room rood and Main, R. 4348 or W. 4802-W.

changed. Phone Walnut 3321-W. 4-room cottare, new lake front, OWNER MUST FELL- acres, bordering location, reception all hall, modern. semi-bungalow, steam, in elec. Are- TEN LOTA FOR MALE OR MAPLE ST 31- Chateau." and west ride; completely and comfortably And beautiful back lake, good barn, 5-room poultry houre, house, front plare and 2-car karage: price 'only Avenge (Indian Orchard car Ine), $3C0 room furnished apts.

Janitor, 9 Temple St. furniehed, large. porch, screened, boat. 1 mile piazza, station, mall delivered. or- Arthur G.

Taylor Co. 317 Main W. to $400 each, cash or terma. Address River 1634-M. der fruit, tram calla, furniture, wood Rox Union Office, MAIN furnished: ST one 4-room 3-room and wath, bath, fur- CONGAMOND LAKE--Summer cottage.

S. and and included. $1.00. A. D.

Jennings, PARK Colonial single house RD, on car tine: also camp nished. Tel. R. 2053-R. E.

Packard, Phone 1311-J Weatheld. Winchester. elegant livingroom, Areplace, large ver- cottage and inta on Massasoit Lake. Doll TAIN ST 46-Tne Auburn apt. CONGAMOND LAKE Summer cottage, SMALL FRUIT AND CHICKEN farm, Ande, steam heat, it's well built, nicely fosnital, $5 Dwight At very central: have several newly best bathing beach.

Nelson R. 1161-R acres, benutiful bearing trees, sardep finished. good home: also WE HAVE A FICW building lots right furnished apts. In the front with now. CONGAMOND LAKE, Southwick--An planted.

Tel. Thompsonville 13-12. Inn. near the large lot. price and terms in the city from $100 to modern heat plumbing, furnished eleva or and service, water elec- Ideal summer cottage, 4 rooms, electric, North Homers Store.

steam, reasonable: Areplace, single four house of' 7 nice roome, open fare. 1:00: $10 to W. $15 down, $1 194 per Worthington. 1 cartricity. water system, large porches, many mod- TOBACCO, dairy and chicken farme, with lot See I.

8. Wilcox, 374 A. Mayre, year round: let us show them to you. cin features, also 2-car garage, motor- stock, tools, near city. Golon, Main.

attic, Room 432. Opeo evenings until 1 D. m. Phone Wal. 53907.

boat and rowboat, private boat landing. Main St. Tel. R. 4698.

Walnut 3871. HIYRTLE ST 31-'The Rosalynd," comfy also swimming noat. Int 116x200, special Arthur TWO and Rood tools: one Monson $4500, farina; one both $1000; have terms. stuck PARK- -New 2-tenement, oak and TwO large building lots. rood location.

3-room furnished apts. Congden. W. privo and terms. Hee at W.

1630. Horare Towne. 378 Alain At. electricity. trench doors.

on 3 car tines. 660 Carew PATTON ST 12-2 rooms, kitchenet, 4. Taylor Co. splendid farms, stock And tools. price and terms right for quick sale: colonial LOTS, Hay Roston Main nished: ref.

required. Tel. River 2754-J FURNISHED cottages at Forest J. Lake, F. within 10 Springfeld, rood now steam oak and semibungalow.

living rach. $10 down, $3 weekly. Box $41, Union PHOENIX TER real home of Winchester, N. $16 per week. buiidings, Ane locations.

M. 8. Blodgett, Areplace, breakfast nth: nook, large side reranda. room, office. well-furnished adults.

Phillips. Mer 387 Alain. screened in. all rooms tastily decorate FOUR LARGE RUILPING LOTS In PRIVATE FAMILY will rent 5-room fur- FURNISHED completely, 5 roome, near border. beds, horse, poultry, mower.

tools. fine electric 1-car wam. Inquire alter. 4 o'clock at nished June ist to October 1st: ref- piazza, feet Maine, elevation, fuel and manure spreader, corn planter; 104 acres. price terms surprise Cohen, r.

tit third Noor. erences renuired. Box 565. Union Office. view of lake, $00 rent season, $150.

V. trout brook, cuts 50 tons hay. eat. 1000 Main Rt. 1612 or W.

1302- pale tetween Horton Road SALEM ST-3 rooms, elegantly furnished. boat Shorey, Included: East Rochester, N. K. wood, nue 2-story house: 15- Open creninge, and section: old HAY to Bond $125 In rach: the terme W. 3818 P.

eves. SUMMER cottage. near river bank; take ft. Enfeld, stock branch barn. big Chapin F.

Farm Parsons, Agency. PHOENIX TER single, furnished: 6 rooms, unfurnished. roome, Westfold car. 1579 West feld W. Boston.

Fee big rataing. 4927-M. steam; 33c WILBRAHAS ROAD 96--2 and terms $1700 down. monthly. Address lox U'nion Office.

DAILY Invested in buliding lot at ET 24-froom far. private Springheld, BOARDERS accommodated: ALREMARLE ST-8-room single, all PRESCOTT ST-12 tvom, two-family, un- Van landlord Horn and Terrace owner at minkes sour you home, your Large own WILCOX hath. set tubs. Inquire of janitor. Ana locaton for elderly people: rates very Pin Clark.

100 attractive: Krondway. R. garage. Henry usually attractive and well arrange lots, highest part of cite. city improve.

SUMMER WORTHINGTON ST 622-Furnished reasonable. Mira. Jos Tracey, Box Henry Clark. 100 Broadway. R.

3331- menta, Easy terms. While pending your or rooms, well furnished for Granby, Masa. ALBEMARLE ST the owner, new 6- W. payments if 11 or ont of work. light housekeeping.

Tal. 1079-M. Ring TO LET--Ncar Blandford. partly furnished room cottage. steam, polished pals ROCHESTER 81..

East Spend section: your account. bungalows Janitor's bell. house for part or all July and Augurt: throughout. at 509 Rd. newly-painted cottage, multable for amali and 2-family houser now under erection ATTRACTIVE Lengmeadow home to rent, moderate Apply Miss F.

River after 6 m. family. $1800, easy terma, Wal. -J. on property.

at Take Liberty. or Carew St furnished, for the summer. R. 2932-R. Ion.

:2 Jones Boston 24, AT (near). cottage, all get Wentworth Follow furnished tenement, TO RENT FOR SEASON -6-room fur- modern, $5000; one Freeman SPRUCE to our signs to your property. We will help you rooms, ATTRACTIVE, Arst Anor In double houte, good of Sioux Lake, corner lot, Wentworth $4800. Corner lot. Terrall.

Ananca house, Boyle Realty, preferred. 1 fare to wand. nished Ice bungalow and boat on shore furnished, fine road, rooms T-room cottage, $4500. only $500 Main st. River 240.

pany, 318 Stain R. location, couple Spid. Tel. good Ashing. bathing and scenery.

down: near Fpringfeld Hospital, BPRUCELAND ATE 11-room CENTRAL AND CHOICE apartments of ther information of C. I. Gould. 53 Crys- room $6200. terms; dence, ideal home Shore Property for Sale 86 1-2-4-5 rooms.

Mrs. Rich. R. 1986-1. tal Springield.

Tel. River 7126-W. Hherman hich-grade single house, location. Arthur: G. Taylor EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Four Fine 1-car Point, garage.

rooms. $4500: Ane $3000: cottage near Wash. near Main RI. W. 1620.

cash, MYRTLE balance In all Milford, monthly payments. largo sunny adults rooms, only, $38 newly furnished. Bor Wanted- To Rent. inston Ft. School, 5-room bungalow, $4400, house.

bathe, TER. Are 20-Modern, porches, 9-room steam. buys A cute little 3-roam 81 STRATFORD. central. Union Office.

per mo. WANTED -June 1, modern, single house $500 down: we have the best Itat of home Wal. 1743. IN Caswell. 1.

White 123 Hast Myrtle Heach. FOR THE SUMMER-('nusually well-fur- or of anite OP 7 rooms in 2-family house. 377 Main St. W. 1020.

FUMNEI 8-room angle. ni. -I have with or without sarace. hargains in Arthur G. Taylor nished apartment in 2-family house off st.

Tel. R. between 9 and 5 Mon. and hardwnod Anora, price $8500 for sereral desirable cottage for sale, to James Are, Tel. Rirer 6102-M.

Tues. RAY ST, near St. James 4-family W. quick male. J.

Heth, 25 Harrison 14 rooms, from to $12,000, terms to FURNISHED HOUSE. summer or longer. WANTED--American couple, without chits house, terma. lot Long. 974 great sacrifice: Walnut easy 2907.

WELLINGTON ST suit. Myrtie Conn. White, 133 Hast TO River RENT--From or Box June 1 551. to Union Sept 1, Office. dren, rooms wish in the superior Forest Park apartment section, of can of BELMONT AVE-14 2-fam.

houer, low, new, ready to occupy. $3-Attractive R. bung 6 and lu-acre modern nished 4-room apartment on ground floor. offer beat of references. Write Box 401, steam.

large cor. Jot: $3000 down. WILDER TER. mingle, modhomes, G. Ta Collonter, 214 Main.

Call W. G99-1 after 6 D. m. P. W.

Knox, Union Onier. 8ymon Really 148 Bridge At, W. 2570. orn, with large lot: only 168. $5400, AGAWAM land house.

2 minutes M. from 71 Worcester Street. Wrat Springheld. BETHEL ST (Forest Park), new -room terms, Hrackett A Peck, Bridge car line, 10 pult buyer. 1-ROOM furnished good location.

cen- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE cottage, steam, hardwood floors W. 2410. nor. North take Fording car. tral, for July and Auguat: references' and finish.

Owner. R. replace, 2301-W. brass plumbing: tta BEAUTIFUL new 3-room house on North l'ond. cottage to furnished, quired.

Box 599. Union Office. Business Property 82 terms. Phone lot. Ane location: price quire party going Europe.

InBIRNIE AVE. North End-0-room River 6903, evenings Wal. Business Places for Rent 75 STORE, light grocerier, 2201-M. confectinery, Box 514, on tage house, modern and in good repair, A BARGAIN -NOW. house, modern Suburban for.

87 WHITE CORNER--LArge Stain Union Office. price right. R. PARY slate roof. terma.

dandy Arthur bargain G. Taylor $5300, very in every 0. detail, 8. Pershing Tel. River $6700.

EAST at Sale small ALLEN stores: property will be altered to W. 1620. Owner, Not house, tenant. Call Walnut 1844-J. 16-APARTMENT BLOCK-3 stores and Main YOURSELF of hath, gas, elec barn on lot.

1 Dewey Are cottage, corner lot. frontage on 2 streets. BLOOMFIELD ST-3-family, 15 rooms, suit ATTRACTIVE small retail store or Further particulars address P. O. Box HAS furnace.

wonderful investment: bined realty "ad" offeringa of by watching for the EAST steam, LONGS modern bathroom, clucto rent, Bookstore 383 Stain St. 1074. $8400, $1000 rash. Judelson Realty BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS off tricity, 1-car benhouse, acre of COR. MAIN AND ESSEX de- 25 Harrison Ave.

Wal. 4240. Wilbraham $: CO cash: real land and fruit tiers, near car line on arable large corner store, ready June Real Estate Agents. BRYANT ST -New -room cottage. hard.

targain. Bardwell. :89 Main St. State road: all for terins, t.ow R. 8038.

wood Anish, oak doors, ready rooms, oak cant. Cohen, Main 8L. W. or CORNER STORE on State suitable ALDERMAN, HOWARD trading. business Real opportu- estate, about June 16th.

Tel. Chicopee 182-M. Areplace. rooms, steam. modern, doors, new.

W. Open grocery, meat rent city property, Main Phone River 4087. CASTLE AT -New up-to-date cottare with $5100. Call Meltzer, Grant Pt. W.

4365. EAST atep from $50. Inq. C. 658 nities.

818 St. all modern improvements remarkably city Vine, cottage: price W. 4187. ASHLEY estate and low price: terms to ault buyer: deal direct BUNGALOW--Only one left on your also 4-room DICKINSON ST 386 at the large Bank insurance, Bldg. Rooms Tel.

River 401-402, 1061. Third National with owner. F. Fournier Tel. W.

at 186. dandy, rooms, 1 you. tage, Cohen, Main terme W. to 3512 suit or suitable -any business: low Franklin rent. R.

and residential DAVISTON AT new W. ft. Areplace, oak low price. Boors, See brass Rush, 27 W. Open plumbing.

FOR RENT-Store low 250 Weatneld Mittineague. 36600, down. Call 1942-31. chester W. rooms.

rental. AVE 42-Targe modern store Walnut or Walnut 1434. FOREST PARK-30 charming Alberta new California near COR. WASHINGTON and Commonwealth furnished. Tot, River Tel.

River 1910. FA, with HARRISON basem*nt. Real Estate BARLOW. SEMI estate, insur- Kimberly bungalow. fireplace, steam.

Rirer 8166. house, will melt for $14,000 LANCASTER AVE. W. -room -National Bk ance. rents collected.

163 Spring. R. 316-W. FOREST PARK- -Very built for quick Wal. 2463-R.

bungalow. Af. ROYI.E REALTY In Third stores, suitable for con- hutiding lots; land purchaned for, develop- 14-room house, modern: near COTTANE-1 rooms. steam. other like 11: Modern garage, bungalow: R.

4016. no LONGMEADOW fectionery, drygoods, barber or tailor. St Tel. 3880. the X.

4528. Gen. A. Austin. LARGE modern Call R.

68756. ment 318 Main TRUST--RenT FOREST cottage, 2-car LONGSE4 DOW-I will build and help See Meltzer, W. 4865. BRIGHTWOOD PEALTY garage, lot 70x275, will for COTTAGE- room, modern, electric Anance a home for you In LARGE OFFICES and atores, cor. Wore estate, insurance.

Rox Mass. D. Phone Brightwond Chic- small amount down for quick male; many lighte, bath, lot 80x160: fruit and large lots, 1 car fare. Wal. ronable in city.

$25 and op. Inquire ODCA 40. Walnut 1260. River 1474-11. George R.

Alderman. 264 Siain. R. 4053. with all modern Improvements, large lot.

thington and Water rent most Station, Springfeld, I others. F. Morcau, 834 Belmont Ave. henhouse: price $4300, $1000 down. LONGMEADOW landsome Worthington St.

And CLARK. insurance. HENRY 100 Broadway. estate. loans FOREST PARK- -Fine, up-to-date, 14 An- COTTAGE-8 rooms and hath, furnace Ingu're C.

I. Young. 374 Main St. NO MAIN ST to rent. Phone Mass.

Phone River 3339-W. down ished and rooms. low splendid price. See location: M. 6.

Blod- $2000 ter heat, open heater. plumbing. pressure holler, stove and electric LONGMEADOW-7-room Areplace cottage. steam, River 3210. electricity.

and or office to rent at 72 CRANE. JOHN COMPANY--Real gett, 387 Main. lights, lot siate roof, double windows, will sell cheap for quick sale. W. chon SMALL St.

STORE very central, $30. Central Real 280 money Main for good opp. P. city O. Arst: mort- FOREST rooms, sleeping porch, 40 screens.

hens, ideal 83x131, yard for chop And children, yard play- for LONGMEADOW-8-room modern cottage, 476 Main St. large R. livingrnom. 4233. brick Areplace, 2-car sandbox, awings, plenty condition, must be sold at once, Estate CUNLIFFE, J.

-Real estate, mort- KArAKP. fruit fatnily. apples, pears, raspber- $6500. Inq. 18 Kevins Ave.

W. or STORE meat business. loa. C. L.

Young, 374 ice." gages, 476 renta, Main St. Insurance. Tel. River your. 6424.

FOREST rooms, bear ries. Curran's, grapes. price rhubarb, peaches anodern on Sharon sultable for grocery servcottare, Stain Street. tenement section. R.

lot 4253. agents: call at promises by appointment. Jat-class Ing. condition: must be sold At once, vacant: 60x180; best location next year: $6800. terms: no ELLIS TITLE AND CONVEYANCE in Park Tel.

W'. 261-M, 27 Worcester West. 18 Norina Are. W. STORE--To rent, Main Jiyland, 153 ready Dwight for nr- 600 protect Main buyer and seller.

deede, mortgages; FOREST PARK AVE-11-room modern Spring fold. near linpkins Mare. cupancy. estate, W. J.

rare property. R. 412. house. garage, lot 63 by 150; if In- FOR A HOME or acres; only $650 -an mute: easy terms.

Real EMERY WARD--Ical eatate bought, terested let me show you this property. office and Jook over our investment inany call good buys, our Room 25, Harrison Are, STORES-457 Dickinson near Dew. sold and exchanged. property rarel for. .11.

Webater. Tel. Wal. prices aro right, terina to suit; now is L.ONOMEADOW--Now sR: residence, up-to-date. R.

R. 288 Blain Suite Wal. 472. FOREST PARK DISTRICT. Sylran good time to buy real estate: the ern in wAy, breakfast 3600 SQ.

FT. floor space, well lighted, VAULT. W. 11. E.

city new, Tel 12-ronm. 1141-W. 2-family hones, Arthur reAdy July treatment posalble. Hee u. At one.

Mass. room, thed bath, lot 55x156: price $9000, electric and gas connections, elevator, property, renting. Room 429. 31 Elm 129 Tratton R. Rd.

G. Angers, Realty Corp. Largest Agency, $2500 down. Mast. Realty Corp.

ear railroad. Ing 72 Bridge St. It. 6775. Tel.

2155. Residence, River 5933. 3:0 Jain St. Wal. 888, Largest Agency." 256 Main Wal.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Suburban for Sale 87 PINE POINT -New 5-room bungalow, modern, nice garden. large henhouse, handy to everything. fare, pretty place. 19 Jasper St. modern 2-family duplex house, 5 rooms each dde: all the latest improvements: in the best residential section of the clay: price $7000.

J. H. Whittemare Park Square, West held. Tel. W.

1187-W. WEST SPRINGFIELD-Sacrince 3-tenement house. ras and electricity, party going to Europe. Inquire Standard Gas Electric Supply 223 Bain Tel. 1.

6580. WEST SPRINGFIELD. 61 Irving 8t- family, 10 rooms, part modern, price and terma right. Apply owner. WAST cottare.

Worcester steam gas, electriclty. lot bot Apply 8 Vezine. Her Fountaln Place. Tel. WEST SPRINGFIELD New 6-ronm house.

bargain. Southworth N. W. Chase, WENT SPRINGFIELD, 160 Main ner of Burton Ave house. rooms, maple finors add gain: come and see: make an offer: Jut ft.

C. D. Clark. WEST SPRINGFIELD-Beautiful on high grounds, Food hood. new bungalow, 2-car gArage, house.

about 1 acre of land. IL 6711-S. WEST SI' sale or rent, 170 Main beautiful home, strictly modern. 13 rooms, 2 baths, upper door could be let. One place for doctor or dentist, large barn, warden planted, fruit.

Nowlarge neighborhood: must be seen to. he appreciated. Owner on premises mornings. Wal. -R.

FOR BENT-3 cottage at lievere nearly new. one 1 ronma, one 1 pous. Tor office. FOR cuttake, barn, apple very pretty home. reasonable price: can be seen Funday, W.

Aldrich, l'iper Road. West. NEW. UP TO DATE. with br canien in seation.

cash. Wrat at right price; part Hoot. River $336-M. NEW IOMES Ter. "Drire single houses, 51-GI Fairheld Hopkins Place: larke Int, house dining has large room, living breakfast room, porch kitchen on room with replace, 1st floor.

4 bed rooms, tile hath ad noor: brick exterior: also two-family houses In Springneld: prices terma River reason 8167 able. C. worth. W. or W.

or W. 785. NICE MODERN 7-room cottare, limit. min. to trolly.

R. 938-TV. Real Estate for Exchange 88 COUNTY house and home, barn, rillace acres on state rond in the Berkshires: will sell or of land, fruit trees. up-to-date exchange for 4 ft. cord wood on lot.

Box 407, tinion Office. house, FOREST Areplace: PARR--A will new exchange for build12-room 2-family ins lot: many others, Moreau, 694 Relmont Ave. River 1434-11. HAVE MTGR. and 1 autos to trade for or cash.

R. 5586-J. LONG DOW-Up-to-date for 4-room take: will sell or exchange bile or mortgage. TRADE good Hudson tour. house lots and second good 2-family house.

See. call or "phone Nestor, 264 Main St. River 1207. change WINCHESTER corner block of stores and agency for rood local second Box 175, Highland Atation. Wanted -Real Estate 89 BUILDING loration, lowest price.

P. 0. Hox 1496. PARK- or Wilbraham brokers. Road section, Ahout $2000 equity, no 91 White St.

SINGLE oF 2-famuy nouses, ready to bus. Julius 3003-R. rent estate, Grant 8t. W. 4365 or W.

lot. or a small farm, near car line: give WANTEIA cottage with an extra large full details in Arat letter. Box Union nface. WANTED- -Your real estate to in sell your of nuction off. I cAn turn the cash hand on short notice.

G. J. Dragon. Nt. in ail parts of the city: price must he WANTED--Single.

and 3-family right for quick turnorer. United Realty Trust 288 Stain At. WANTED--HAVE $5000 cash End. to pot pay for beyond cottage Church nt the or Armory 6t. Box 9999, North Union once.

WILL BUT for cash a 2-family house Box near 681, the Bix Corners. Reply at once. Union Office. WILL TRADE 100 acres hardwood and timber And 7-room cottage for ment house. Spring held Farm Real Estate 324 Main St.

CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Auction Sales AT AUCTION By Order Committee on City Property, City of Springfield 60 SPRING ST. TUESDAY, MAY 23, At Noon To Be Demolished andTaken Away AUCTIONEER'S NOTICE wealth of good bullding material, brick. studding. nooring and joists. window frames, doors and door frames, sash.

plumbing. heating lot? And so. here is your chance to make that lighting fixtures. Do- you own a dream come true. A HOME OU YOUR nd get in on the ground floor.

It will he free auction and no farorites, GEO. W. FAIRFIELD. Auctionce Phone W. 4179.


River 658. Car. Main sed Bridge Fuller Bide PARK SECTION Near Terrace, mingle house of moms, with 2-car carage, extra large lot, excellent plant, oak on let and ad noore, This property can he bought right. For other particulars, consult Wm. H.

Feltham Sons, Mass, Mutual BIds. RESIDENCE WANTED A modern residence with some extra' ground in the city or urban by private party. Box 661, UNION OFFICE. Give full particulars In Arst letter. FOREST PARK ROCKLAND STREET.

(An exclusive neighborhood). Ane home and garage. All modern. conveniences. Large ing room.

Price and terms right. DICKINSON STREET. Handy to Forest Park. An Ideal home of large rooms, well rauked and lo rood repair. Steam heat, electricity and Areplace.

of closets. Rooms well arranged for professional mAn who desires to maintain an office at home. See this before you buy. Dandy value. LONGMEADOW: CONVERSE ST.

10 rooms, 3 and breakfast room on the frat floor. rooms and den on 2d door and 2 rooms on the 3d foor. Hot wAter heat, replace and other rond features. F'rice reduced to $12.000. A real good purchase.

Many other high-grade houses on our list. The Key To Good HOME RTAUR TAYLOR REAL ESTATE CO. Springfield. Mass. 377.

MAIN ST. W. 1620. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Real Estate TO RENT 125 DWIGHT ST. 2d Floor North-3d Floor South E.

J. HOSKINS 'care of Harvey Lewis Co. Phone LEWIS BUILDING 82 WORTHINGTON ST. Space for. Wholesale or Also Stores-Fireproot-Freight and Passenger Elevators.

SEE VALLEY PRESS, PRINTERS. FLORENTINE Gardens, 10-room 2-car garage 15,00 ALIGNOLIA TERRACE, m1-room house $15.000 PINEY AVENUE -room house. 3-car garage WASHINGTON cottage. 2-car garage RIMMON AVENUE. t-room cottage DICKINSON 12-room.

2-family house, 2-car garage At MALDEN 2-family house 100 others In all sections of the city. A. B. KENYON 315 Main Tel. River 1179 Real Estato for Rent STORES TO RENT Bay and Brown Streets Excellent opportunity tallor, maker- barber and dry coods store.

Inquire IT. COHEN' 26 Acorn Street Tel. W. al TO RENT 790 MAIN ST. The South End is fast becoming the automobile center our city.

This store, with larke parking apace in the rear Ideal of location the for building. would make' auto accessories, there is no such business, yet, in that locality. Rent very reasonable. HUMBERT BONDI REAL ESTATE CO. 317 Main St.

Room 404. Tel. Riv. 4940. DESIRABLE STORES AND OFFICES TO RENT In Broadway and Broadw Tel.

Wal. 500, Miss Flynn DWELLINGS Pynchon Monroe rma. lower S1111 5 upper APARTMENTS Main rms $35.00 Main St, $38.00 Bond rms Stain rms $12,00 Main St. rms $50.00 rms $65 School St. rms.

$80 Maple St, 7 Ima $125 EDW. J. MURPHY CO. Fuller Bldg. Tel.

River 555 Stearns Building Suite of Offices 5 FRANK L. DUNLAP Stearns Bldg. PHONE RIVER 490 2. STORE TO RENT 886 STATE ST. -foot frontage GO -foot depth.

Suitable for plumber, electrician, shoe repairer or confectioner. Apply to D. F. MORIN 168 RRIDGE ST. PHONE RIVER 392 TO RENT Large Newly Remodeled STORES 157-159 DWIGHT ST.

Ideal for Auto Business, having large driveway and doors in rear. ALSO MANUFACTURING SPACE To Suit Your Needs on 2nd and 3rd Floors. SEE MR. FEINER Mass. Realty Corp.

"Springfield's Largest Agency" 356 MAIN ST. WAL. 888 Help Wanted WANTED AT ONCE 3 First-Class Woodworking Machine Men 3 Automobile Body Draw Hangers Good Wages Steady Employment AUTO METAL BODY CORI'. 321 WORTHINGTON ST. Help Wanted WANTED Woolen Weavers on Knowles Looms.

Apply GERMANIA MILLS Holyoke, Mass. 104 MAIN ST. LAWN MOWERS BERKSHIRE 14-Inch, 1749 HAMPDEN HARDWARE 123 Main St R. 1:64. Paint, $1.75 Gal: Mail orders Alted.

MORRIS A. COHEN. 189 MAIN ST. PAINT VARNISH $1.75 GAL- $1.39 GAL. Special Prices in 5-Gal.

Lots. LEWIS ZUNDELL 704 MAIN ST. DUTCH ROT ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD $10.75 In 500-1b. lots. LEWIS ZUNDELL WINDOW SCREENS 18x33 21x33 We also carry screen doors and wire at low prices.

7 HAMPDEN HARDITARE 123 MAIN ST. WANTED TO BUY A GOOD OFFICE SAFE OR STEEL CABINET Must be fireproof and about 2ft. deep, wide, and 4ft. high; a trifle smaller will do. Address with full particulars, price, size, make, Secretary; Mt.

To Golf Club, Holyoke, Mass. BUY THEM KERRS READY CHICKS MADE Kerr Baby Chicks Get your order booked at once for early chicks--the most wanted, kind. or large Whether quantity you buy the same KERR service is given. We offer chicks of the popular breeds. All good--take sour choice at The Lowest Prices THE KERR CHICKERIES, INC.

Phone River 1680 76 Elmwood West Springfield, Mass. Automobiles ADIATORS MADE AND REPAIRED FENDERS DWIGHT AUTO WORKS. Dwight Near Sanford. Walnut 2010 GROW TIRES GOODRICH Also Accessories and Sporting Goods. SEE ROBERTS.

626 MIAIN. OPAL 1377 FOR BETTER PRICES TIRE MARGAINS. 30x1 3414 4 Cords. 35 x5 25.00 Famna Grow at Special Prices N. T.

AUTO EXCHANGK. 319 Dwight TIRE SALE, 3013 Fabric, $6.50 govereira Cards Fabric Guaranteed 10,000 Fabric, Cord. 4 Fabric. Cord. 21.25 33x1 Fabric.

Cord. Fabric, tric. Cord, EASTERN TIRE SALES CO. Phone River 6371. 311 Dwight st.

NEW FORD HONEYCOMB RADATORS. $13.80 Gas Repairing for one HUDSON RADIATOR CO. Ease: 8t. Near Main. W.

1:11 The All Metal Co. Ante Bodies. Mudguarde, Tops and Upholstery. Hikh-Grade enamelia: and Ford Honeycomb, Rad.atora, Any make of radiator recored at Joweat possible price. 690 WORTHINGTON ST.

USED CARS Tie have few choice and taken In exchange for new Studebaker Motor Care. Thin year opportunity to rood automobile at price governed by the trading allowance, to which added normal overhead. Our sortment 'will be amall: come early, F. G. PARKER CO.

Worthinston St NUMBER PLATES LICENSE RENEWALS Services Daily 50 Cents BOSTON SPRINGFIELD DISPATCH Lyman At Maxwell--Chalmers NORCROSS-CAMERON CO. 151 BRIDGE ST. Overland $300 Chalmers. 1921. Packard Roadster $450 Maxwell Sedan, 1921 Chalmers Roadster.

Maxwell Roadster 7-f'ass. Reo. PaRt. Overland Roadster. 1920 Maxwell Truck, ton.

Peorless Sedan. 1920. Oakland Touring, 1919. Reasonable Terms. Pecrless- White.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.