Historical Markers and War Memorials in Levy County (2025)


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Bronson is the county seat for Levy County

Adjacent to Levy County, Florida

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1Florida, Levy County, Bronson — F-1108 — Dr. James M. Jackson HomeHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (1)
Constructed in the 1880s, this frame vernacular building was the residence of Dr. James Middleton Jackson and his wife, Mary Glenn (née Shands). Around 1846, the Jackson and Shands families migrated to Hamilton County, Florida, from Chester County, . . . — Map (dbm202821) HM
2Florida, Levy County, Cedar Key — F-33 — Atlantic to Gulf RailroadHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (2)
Florida was provided with its first cross-state railroad in 1861 when the Florida Railroad Company line reached Cedar Key. Overcoming early financial troubles, the line had begun construction from Fernandina, on the Atlantic, in 1856, but building . . . — Map (dbm61565) HM
3Florida, Levy County, Cedar Key — Cedar Key Veterans MonumentHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (3)
This monument is dedicated to the Men and Women of Cedar Key who served their country in times of war. World War II 12-7-41 12-31-45 Alford, Jack • Alford, Peachman • Allen, J. C. • Allen, James • Allen, Robert • Andrews, Dan • . . . — Map (dbm237730) WM
4Florida, Levy County, Cedar Key — Island HotelHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (4)
This property has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of the Interior — Map (dbm237728) HM
5Florida, Levy County, Cedar Key — F-303 — John Muir at Cedar KeyHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (5)
John Muir, noted naturalist and conservation leader, spent several months in Florida in 1867. He arrived at Cedar Key in October, seven weeks after setting out from Indiana on a "thousand-mile walk to the Gulf." Muir's journal account of his . . . — Map (dbm17705) HM
6Florida, Levy County, Cedar Key — F-584 — The Cedar Keys: Pencils, Lumber, Palm Fiber and BrushesHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (6)
(Side 1) Harvesting redcedars (a form of juniper) for pencil manufacturing, along with pines and baldcypress for lumber, was of great importance to the Cedar Keys and the early development of North Florida in the late 1800s and early 1900s. . . . — Map (dbm155931) HM
7Florida, Levy County, Chiefland — Manatee SpringDescribed by William Bartram July, 1774Historical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (7)
Having borrowed a canoe from some Indians, I visited a very grat and most beautiful fountain or spring which boils up from between the hills about 300 yards from the river, throwing up great quantities of white small pieces of shells & white shell . . . — Map (dbm191194) HM
8Florida, Levy County, Chiefland — Sink TrailManatee Springs — Contact with Underground Caves — Historical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (8)
Rainfall, which is slightly acidic, dissolves limestone as it passes through the ground. As water travels underground toward the springs, it sometimes creates large cave passages through the porous limestone. On the surface, as this limestone breaks . . . — Map (dbm191209) HM
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9Florida, Levy County, Chiefland — Waterfront Dining for Thousands of YearsManatee SpringsHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (9)
"With their abundant food supply and pleasant surroundings, Indians at Manatee Springs probably lived a fairly comfortable life. The village was home to them, a place to which to return for rest and relaxation after the exertions of the . . . — Map (dbm191207) HM
10Florida, Levy County, Fanning Springs — Fanning Springs BridgeHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (10)
The Fanning Springs Bridge was built by the State of Florida. In 1934 it was officially named the Benjamin Chaires Bridge in honor of a prominent pioneer settler of Dixie County. Located 29 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico, it held the . . . — Map (dbm17709) HM
11Florida, Levy County, Gulf Hammock — F-1014 — Pat-Mac Locomotive/Gulf Hammock as a Company TownHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (11)
Side 1 The Grove-Dowling company used five locomotives, four large locomotive cranes, two log loaders, and one skidder machine for logging. One locomotive, No. 2411, was a 2-8-0 steam engine built in November 1915 by the Vulcan Iron Works of . . . — Map (dbm163004) HM
12Florida, Levy County, Gulf Hammock — Patterson-McInnis TrainHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (12)
This locomotive, known locally as "Three Spot", often pulled 30 to 40 cars as it transported logs from area woodlands to the Patterson-McInnis Sawmill. Originally a wood burning engine thought to be built around 1915, it was converted to steam . . . — Map (dbm19402) HM
13Florida, Levy County, Inglis — Inglis Bypass SpillwayMarjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida GreenwayHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (13)
Unintended Consequences In the 1960s, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers cut through and plugged the Withlacoochee River to make way for the Cross Florida Barge Canal. Blocking the river entirely would have devastated downstream ecosystems. The . . . — Map (dbm167893) HM
14Florida, Levy County, Inglis — Inglis Island OverlookMarjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida GreenwayHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (14)
Bisecting a State, Bisecting a River Inglis Island sits at the center of the Withlacoochee River, Lake Rousseau, and the Cross Florida Barge Canal. From here you can see where the canal bisected the river. Look for an earth and concrete berm on . . . — Map (dbm167499) HM
15Florida, Levy County, Inglis — Inglis LockMarjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida GreenwayHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (15)
A Stairway to the Top of the Canal Lake Rousseau sits almost 30 feet above the western edge of the Cross Florida Barge Canal. How do you move a barge up 30 feet? You build a lock. Think of a lock like water stairs. A barge enters the lock . . . — Map (dbm167500) HM
16Florida, Levy County, Inglis — Inglis Main DamMarjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida GreenwayHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (16)
Changing the Face of Florida At the end of the 19th century, prospectors and entrepreneurs flocked to Dunnellon, 10 miles east of here. They came to mine phosphate, a valuable ingredient in fertilizer. In just five years, Dunnellon transformed . . . — Map (dbm167501) HM
17Florida, Levy County, Rosewood — F-497 — Rosewood, FloridaHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (17)
Racial violence erupted in the small and quiet Rosewood community January 1-7, 1923. Rosewood, a predominantly colored community, was home to the Bradley, Carrier, Carter, Goins, and Hall families, among others. Residents supported a school . . . — Map (dbm17707) HM
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18Florida, Levy County, Williston — Electrical GeneratorHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (18)
An electrical distribution system was purchased for $33,000 on June 11, 1923, from the Williston Manufacturing Company. Included was the generator, ice plant, cold storage plant, water tank, a ten-year-old bay horse named Charlie, and a wagon with a . . . — Map (dbm244277) HM
19Florida, Levy County, Williston — Epperson ParkHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (19)
Williston was incorporated as a town in 1897; charted as a city in 1929. On October 10, 1914, this area was designated as a public park by the mayor and town council in a deed from J.B. And P.A. Epperson. An electrical distribution system . . . — Map (dbm244281) HM
20Florida, Levy County, Williston — HowitzerHistorical Markers and WarMemorials in LevyCounty (20)
This Howitzer 8" M2 Cannon was secured by the City from the Anniston Alabama Army Depot on April 30, 1975. Williston was incorporated as a town in 1897 and chartered as a city in 1929. On October 10, 1915 this area was designated as a public . . . — Map (dbm244282) HM WM

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Jan. 24, 2025

Historical Markers and War Memorials in Levy County (2025)


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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