Dog Separation Anxiety Training: Expert Tips To Calm Pup! (2024)

Dog separation anxiety is a common behavioral issue that many dog owners face. When left alone, some dogs become anxious and distressed, leading to destructive behavior and excessive vocalization. Fortunately, with proper training and understanding, it is possible to help dogs cope with their anxiety and feel more at ease when alone. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to address dog separation anxiety and create a harmonious relationship with our furry companions.

Dog Separation Anxiety Training: Expert Tips To Calm Pup! (1)

Understanding Dog Separation Anxiety

1. What is Dog Separation Anxiety?

Dog separation anxiety is a condition where dogs experience fear and stress when separated from their owners or caregivers. It can manifest in various ways, such as excessive barking, whining, chewing furniture, and trying to escape. Understanding the root cause of this anxiety is crucial to implementing the right training techniques.

2. Causes of Dog Separation Anxiety

Several factors can contribute to separation anxiety in dogs. These may include past traumatic experiences, changes in the household, sudden schedule changes, or being rehomed. Identifying the specific trigger for your dog's anxiety is essential to tailor the training approach.

3. Recognizing the Symptoms

Recognizing the symptoms of separation anxiety is vital for early intervention. Some common signs include restlessness, panting, excessive salivation, destructive behavior, and soiling indoors. Observing your dog's behavior will help you address the issue promptly.

The Importance of Training for Separation Anxiety

1. Building Trust and Confidence: Establishing trust between the dog and its owner is the foundation for overcoming separation anxiety. Positive reinforcement techniques and spending quality time together can help build a strong bond, reducing anxiety when apart.

2. Creating a Safe Space: Designating a safe and comfortable space for your dog can alleviate anxiety. This could be a cozy corner with their favorite toys and bedding, providing a sense of security when you're not around.

3. Gradual Departures and Returns: Practicing gradual departures and returns can accustom the dog to temporary absences. Start with short intervals and gradually increase the time away, rewarding calm behavior upon your return.

Effective Training Techniques

Training your happy dog to cope with separation anxiety requires a thoughtful and patient approach. Here are some effective techniques to help your furry friend feel more comfortable when left alone:

1. Desensitization

Desensitization involves gradually exposing your dog to the experience of being alone in a controlled and positive manner. Start by leaving your dog alone for a very short period, even just a minute or two, and then return with calm and relaxed body language. Repeat this process several times throughout the day, gradually increasing the time spent apart. The goal is to help your dog realize that your departures are temporary and that you will always come back.

2. Counterconditioning

Counterconditioning aims to change your dog's emotional response to being left alone. Before leaving, engage your dog in a fun and rewarding activity, such as playing fetch or giving them a special treat. This positive association will help your dog associate your departure with something enjoyable, reducing their anxiety.

3. Interactive Toys and Puzzles

Interactive toys and puzzles are a great way to keep your dog mentally stimulated and distracted while you're away. Fill a Kong toy with treats or use puzzle toys that dispense food gradually, providing entertainment and mental engagement.

4. Calming Music and Aromatherapy

Create a calming environment for your dog by playing soothing music or using aromatherapy diffusers with calming scents like lavender or chamomile. These can help create a serene atmosphere and ease your dog's anxiety.

5. Establish a Routine

Dogs thrive on routine, so try to establish a consistent schedule for meals, walks, and alone time. Predictability can provide a sense of security for your dog and reduce their anxiety.

6. Provide a Safe Space

Designate a comfortable and safe space for your dog when you're not around. A cozy corner with their favorite toys and bedding can be a comforting retreat for them.

7. Regular Exercise

Ensure your dog gets enough exercise daily to release pent-up energy and reduce anxiety. A tired dog is more likely to relax and rest when left alone.

8. Avoid Punishment

Never punish your dog for showing anxiety or engaging in destructive behaviors when you're not there. Punishment will only increase their fear and worsen their separation anxiety.

9. Seek Professional Help

If your dog's separation anxiety is severe or not improving with your efforts, consider seeking help from a professional dog trainer or a veterinarian. They can provide tailored advice and guidance to address your dog's specific needs.

Dog Separation Anxiety Training: Expert Tips To Calm Pup! (3)

By implementing these effective training techniques and understanding your dog's unique needs, you can help them overcome separation anxiety and build a happier, more secure bond with your beloved canine companion. Remember, patience and consistency are key to achieving positive results.

Establishing a Routine

Establishing a consistent routine is essential for helping your dog cope with separation anxiety and feel more secure when you're not around. Dogs thrive on predictability, and a well-structured schedule can provide them with a sense of stability. Here are some tips for creating an effective routine:

1. Regular Feeding Schedule

Set specific times for your dog's meals and try to stick to them every day. Having a regular feeding schedule can help regulate their digestive system and give them a sense of predictability.

2. Daily Exercise

Make sure your dog gets enough physical activity each day. Regular exercise not only keeps them physically fit but also helps reduce anxiety and restlessness. Depending on your dog's breed and energy level, plan for walks, playtime, or other activities that they enjoy.

3. Scheduled Bathroom Breaks

Take your dog out for bathroom breaks at consistent intervals throughout the day. This routine will prevent accidents indoors and help them understand when it's time to relieve themselves.

4. Departure Cues

Use consistent departure cues to signal when you're about to leave. This could be a specific phrase or action that your dog associates with you leaving the house. Avoid making a big fuss when leaving, as this can create anxiety for your dog.

5. Calm Departures and Returns

When leaving and returning home, maintain a calm and relaxed demeanor. Avoid dramatic greetings or prolonged goodbyes, as this can heighten your dog's anxiety. Instead, keep interactions low-key to show that departures and returns are routine and nothing to worry about.

6. Alone Time Practice

Practice short periods of alone time regularly, even when you're at home. This can help your dog become accustomed to being by themselves and build their confidence when you're not around.

7. Enriching Alone Time

Provide your dog with engaging and stimulating activities when they are alone. Interactive dog toys, treat puzzles, or a Kong filled with treats can keep them occupied and distracted during your absence.

Dog Separation Anxiety Training: Expert Tips To Calm Pup! (4)

8. Consistent Bedtime

Try to maintain a consistent bedtime routine. Set a time for your dog to settle down and go to sleep each night, which will help them feel secure and well-rested.

9. Socialization

Socialize your dog with different people and environments. This exposure can boost their confidence and reduce anxiety in various situations.

10. Adaptability

Be adaptable with your routine, considering any changes in your schedule or the dog's needs. While consistency is vital, flexibility ensures that the routine remains effective as circ*mstances evolve.

By establishing a routine that incorporates these elements, you can create a stable and comfortable environment for your dog. A well-structured daily schedule not only helps manage separation anxiety but also enhances your dog's overall well-being and happiness. Remember that each dog is unique, so take the time to observe their reactions and adjust the routine as needed to suit their individual preferences and requirements.

Seeking Professional Help

1. Consulting a Veterinarian

If your dog's anxiety is severe or persists despite training efforts, consulting and how often vet is essential. They can rule out any underlying medical conditions and guide behavioral therapy.

2. Working with a Professional Dog Trainer

Enlisting the help of a professional dog trainer can be highly beneficial, especially for complex cases of separation anxiety. They can create a personalized training plan and offer expert advice.

3. Medication Options

In some cases, medication may be prescribed to manage extreme anxiety levels. This should always be done under the supervision of a qualified veterinarian.

Maintaining a Calm Environment

1. Minimizing Triggers: Identify and minimize triggers that might heighten your dog's anxiety, such as loud noises or certain activities.

2. Avoiding Punishment: Avoid punishing your dog for anxious behavior, as it can worsen their anxiety and damage the trust between you.

3. Providing Comforting Items: Offering comforting items, like your unwashed clothes or familiar toys, can provide a sense of security when you're away.

Monitoring Progress and Making Adjustments

Monitoring your dog's progress in overcoming separation anxiety is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of the training techniques you're implementing. Here are some steps to help you keep track of their development and make necessary adjustments:

1. Observation

Observe your dog's behavior closely during and after training sessions. Note any changes in their responses to being alone, such as decreased anxiety or improved relaxation.

2. Record Keeping

Keep a journal or a record of your dog's behaviors and reactions. Document their reactions to departures, the duration of alone time, and any signs of anxiety or stress.

3. Gradual Increases

As your dog becomes more comfortable with being alone, gradually increase the time you spend away. Start with short intervals and slowly extend the duration, paying attention to how your dog handles longer periods of separation.

4. Positive Reinforcement

Continue to use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage calm behavior when alone. Praise and reward your dog when they displays relaxed behavior during training sessions.

5. Adjust Techniques

If certain training techniques are not producing the desired results, don't hesitate to make adjustments. Each dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Be open to trying different approaches and find what suits your dog best.

6. Seek Professional Guidance

If you find that your dog's separation anxiety is not improving or is worsening despite your efforts, consider seeking advice from a professional dog trainer or a veterinarian. They can provide valuable insights and personalized strategies to address your dog's specific needs.

7. Patience and Consistency

Remember that overcoming separation anxiety is a gradual process, and it requires patience and consistency. Celebrate even small improvements and continue to work with your dog at a pace that is comfortable for them.

8. Evaluate the Environment

Assess the environment your dog is in during their alone time. Ensure it is safe, comfortable, and free from potential stressors or triggers that might exacerbate their anxiety.

9. Supportive Socialization

Socialize your dog with other well-behaved dogs and people. Positive social interactions can help build their confidence and reduce anxiety in various situations.

10. Celebrate Progress

Acknowledge and celebrate your dog's progress in overcoming separation anxiety. Recognize their efforts and improvements with affection and praise.

By carefully monitoring your dog's progress and making necessary adjustments, you can tailor the training to meet their specific needs and create a positive and supportive environment. Remember, each dog responds differently to training, so stay attuned to their cues and reactions, and be flexible in your approach. With time, patience, and understanding, your furry companion can become more confident and content when left alone.


Helping a dog overcome separation anxiety requires patience, understanding, and consistent training. By creating a safe and comfortable environment, using positive reinforcement techniques, and seeking professional help when necessary, you can alleviate your furry companion's anxiety and strengthen your bond. Remember that every dog is different, so be prepared to adapt your approach to suit their individual needs.


Q1: Can all dogs develop separation anxiety?

While most dogs experience mild separation anxiety at some point, not all dogs develop severe cases of separation anxiety. Factors like temperament, past experiences, and training can influence the likelihood of this condition.

Q2: Is separation anxiety more common in specific breeds?

Certain breeds are more prone to developing separation anxiety due to their attachment tendencies. However, any dog can experience anxiety if not properly trained and socialized.

Q3: Can I leave my dog alone for an extended period if they have separation anxiety?

It's not recommended to leave a dog with severe separation anxiety alone for extended periods. Gradual training and seeking professional help can help them cope better with being alone.

Q4: Will crate training help with separation anxiety?

Crate training can be helpful for some dogs as it creates a secure den-like environment. However, it may not work for all dogs and can worsen anxiety if not done correctly.

Q5: How long does it take to see improvements in my dog's anxiety?

The timeline for improvement varies depending on the dog and the severity of the anxiety. Consistency and patience are key, and some dogs may take weeks or even months to show significant progress.

Dog Separation Anxiety Training: Expert Tips To Calm Pup! (2024)


Dog Separation Anxiety Training: Expert Tips To Calm Pup!? ›

Start with just 5 minutes apart, then increase to 10 minutes, 15 and 30—until they're happy to stay on their own for an hour. Remember to take it slow. Leave them in a safe area where they feel comfortable with something to take their mind off your absence.

How to fix separation anxiety in puppies? ›

Start with just 5 minutes apart, then increase to 10 minutes, 15 and 30—until they're happy to stay on their own for an hour. Remember to take it slow. Leave them in a safe area where they feel comfortable with something to take their mind off your absence.

How do I desensitize my puppy with separation anxiety? ›

Gradual desensitisation

Now that you know your dog's threshold, you can begin to slowly desensitise them to longer and longer absences. For a period of up to 30 mins, maximum, practice going to the door and stepping outside the house for variable periods of time.

How to stop a puppy crying when left alone? ›

How Do You Stop A Puppy From Crying When Left Alone?
  1. Leave the TV or radio on when you head out.
  2. Don't make a big deal about leaving or when you come home.
  3. Consider a dog walker/sitter or doggy day care.
  4. Adopt a friend for your pup!

How to train a dog with severe separation anxiety? ›

In these cases, it's crucial to gradually accustom a dog to being alone by starting with many short separations that do not produce anxiety and then gradually increasing the duration of the separations over many weeks of daily sessions.

How to teach a puppy to self soothe? ›

A favorite stuffed toy, a safe chew toy and a food puzzle toy are all good pacifiers that help your puppy feel relaxed. Get your dog comfortable with being in this safe area. You can start by feeding your puppy their meals in this area, giving them special treats as they are calm when in this area.

Do puppies grow out of separation anxiety? ›

It's really common, and it influences a lot of puppies, but it won't go away on its own. It is vital to know that dogs don't often outgrow separation anxiety. It's a type of anxiety that's not associated with age nor can be medically treated.

Should I ignore puppy with separation anxiety? ›

Recent research has shown that dogs with mild separation anxiety fare better when alone with one minute of slow, gentle petting and soothing talk from their owner just before leaving than being ignored.

How long does it take to break puppy separation anxiety? ›


Expect to spend around two months working with your dog to alleviate his separation anxiety. Taking it slowly during the early stages–getting your dog comfortable at the moment of your departure–will allow the later stages of lengthening your time away to much more quickly.

What not to do with dog separation anxiety? ›

Never punish your dog

Dogs who've been told off may lower their head, put their ears back and put their tail between their legs. Sadly, owners often think that their dog looks guilty when they do this and so tell them off thinking they know they've done wrong.

How long to leave a puppy crying in a crate? ›

Ignore the Puppy Crying

If you don't respond right away and the puppy settles within a few minutes, you don't need to go back into the room. But if the puppy's crying continues longer for more than about two minutes, you can make a brief verbal response to the puppy's cry. This step can be repeated two or three times.

How do you keep a puppy calm when you leave? ›

While you're gone, leave your dog with a challenging puzzle toy that dispenses food or treats to stimulate your dog's brain and distract from your absence. Or leave the radio or television on while you're away from home if your pet finds that comforting.

How to get a puppy used to being alone? ›

teach your dog to settle down calmly when you are busy, rather than giving them attention when they follow you around. use baby gates across doorways to introduce time apart. leave them with a long-lasting treat or toy that releases food. slowly increase the time you leave them alone while you're in the house.

What worsens separation anxiety in dogs? ›

If your dog has been anxious during your departure, and this has led to destruction or house soiling, then anything you do may increase your dog's anxiety, making matters worse for future departures and it will not correct what has already been done. Therefore both punishment and excited greetings must be avoided.

How do you reverse separation anxiety in dogs? ›

If the Problem Is Mild …
  1. Give your dog a special treat each time you leave (like a puzzle toy stuffed with peanut butter). ...
  2. Make your comings and goings low-key without a lot of greeting. ...
  3. Leave some recently worn clothes out that smell like you.
  4. Consider giving your pet over-the-counter natural calming supplements.
May 28, 2023

How to desensitize an anxious dog? ›

How can you help your dog desensitize to the world around them?
  1. Start slow. With dogs, slow is fast. ...
  2. Remain positive. ...
  3. Keep sessions short. ...
  4. Don't be afraid of giving lots of treats! ...
  5. Reward your dog for small steps. ...
  6. Don't flood your dog with their fears. ...
  7. Seek help if you need it!
May 6, 2021

Can you reverse separation anxiety in dogs? ›

Owners may be able to prevent the development of canine separation anxiety, but if their dog does develop separation anxiety, the problem may be reduced or eliminated through an owner-administered program of behavior modification,38 supplemented in the early stages with medication.


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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.