Approved additives and E numbers (2024)

Most additives are only permitted to be used in certain foods and are subject to specific quantitative limits, so it is important to note this list should be used in conjunction with the appropriate legislation:

Glycerol (E 422)

Glycerol (E 422) is authorised as a food additive in accordance with Annex II of the assimilatedRegulation (EU) 1333/2008on food additives (Commission Regulation 1333/2008 in Northern Ireland).

It is permitted for use at quantum satis in flavoured drinks. Quantum satis means no maximum numerical level is specified and substances must be used in accordance with good manufacturing practice, at a level not higher than is necessary to achieve the intended purpose and provided the consumer is not misled.

Glycerol (E 422) is a key ingredient used in the production of slush ice drinks. It maintains the slush properties, preventing the liquid from freezing solid. However, there have been cases of children becoming unwell following excessive consumption.

We have been working with industry on voluntary guidance to protect vulnerable consumers and have agreed the following four principles. These are not a legal requirement but are considered best practice.

Industry guidelines for glycerol in Slush ice drinks

  1. Brand owners will ensure that their customers are fully aware of the FSA’s risk assessment of the use of glycerol in slush ice drinks.
  2. Brand owners will formulate products to contain glycerol at the minimum quantity technically necessary to achieve the required ‘slush’ drink effect.
  3. Brand owners will advise their customers that sales of slush ice drinks containing glycerol should be accompanied by a written warning visible at point of sale – “Product contains glycerol. Not recommended for children 4 years of age and under’”.
  4. The business model of free refills is not recommended in venues where children under 10 years of age will consume them.

These industry guidelines are based on a worst-case scenario of a slush ice drink containing the top level of 50,000 mg/L glycerol as potential exposure. If in the future, collectively, industry decide to drop the glycerol levels, these guidelines can be reassessed.

Explanatory text to consumers about glycerol

We have added the following advice to our consumer page on food additives.

'Slush ice drinks can contain the ingredient glycerol as a substitute for sugar, at a level required to create the ‘slush’ effect. At this level, we recommend that children four years of age and under should not consume these drinks, due to their potential to cause side-effects such as headaches and sickness, particularly when consumed in excess.'

Northern Ireland

Titanium dioxide

From 7 February 2022 the use of titanium dioxide (TiO2 - E171) as a food additive is no longer permitted in the EU and in Northern Ireland, due to the application of the Northern Ireland Protocol, following the publication of Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/63, amending Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008.

This regulation was published with a 6-month transition period which ends on 7 August 2022. Until the end of this transition period foods produced in accordance with the rules applicable before 7 February 2022 may continue to be placed on the market. After 7 August 2022, food products containing TiO2 will no longer be able to be placed on the EU/NI market, however, foods already on the market will be able to remain on the market until they reach their date of minimum durability or ‘use by’ date.


E numbersAdditives
E101(i) Riboflavin
(ii) Riboflavin-5'-phosphate
E104Quinoline yellow
E110Sunset Yellow FCF; Orange Yellow S
E120Cochineal; Carminic acid; Carmines
E122Azorubine; Carmoisine
E124Ponceau 4R; Cochineal Red A
E129Allura Red AC
E131Patent Blue V
E132lndigotine; Indigo Carmine
E133Brilliant Blue FCF
E140Chlorophylls and chlorophyllins
E141Copper complexes of chlorophyll and chlorophyllins
E142Green S
E150aPlain caramel
E150bCaustic sulphite caramel
E150cAmmonia caramel
E150dSulphite ammonia caramel
E151Brilliant Black BN; Black PN
E153Vegetable carbon
E155Brown HT
E160b(i)Annatto, bixin
E160b(ii)Annatto, norbixin
E160cPaprika extract; Capsanthian; Capsorubin
E160eBeta-apo-8'-carotenal (C30)
E162Beetroot Red; Betanin
E170Calcium carbonate
E171Titanium dioxide;not permitted for use in Northern Ireland
E172Iron oxides and hydroxides
E180Litholrubine BK


E numbersAdditives
E200Sorbic acid
E202Potassium sorbate
E210Benzoic acid
E211Sodium benzoate
E212Potassium benzoate
E213Calcium benzoate
E214Ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate
E215Sodium ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate
E218Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate
E219Sodium methyl p-hydroxybenzoate
E220Sulphur dioxide
E221Sodium sulphite
E222Sodium hydrogen sulphite
E223Sodium metabisulphite
E224Potassium metabisulphite
E226Calcium sulphite
E227Calcium hydrogen sulphite
E228Potassium hydrogen sulphite
E239Hexamethylene tetramine
E242Dimethyl dicarbonate
E243Ethyl lauroyl arginate
E249Potassium nitrite
E250Sodium nitrite
E251Sodium nitrate
E252Potassium nitrate
E280Propionic acid
E281Sodium propionate
E282Calcium propionate
E283Potassium propionate
E284Boric acid
E285Sodium tetraborate; borax


E numbersAdditives
E300Ascorbic acid
E301Sodium ascorbate
E302Calcium ascorbate
E304Fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid
E310Propyl gallate
E315Erythorbic acid
E316Sodium erythorbate
E319Tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ)
E320Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)
E321Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)
E392Extracts of rosemary


Northern Ireland

E960d glucosylated steviol glycosides

The European Commission have authorised an additional steviol glycoside, E 960d glucosylated steviol glycosides, Commission Regulation (EU) No 2023/447 was published on 1 March 2023 and came into force on 20 March 2023. This regulation applies in Northern Ireland but not GB.

E numbersAdditives
E420(i) Sorbitol
(ii) Sorbitol syrup
E950Acesulfame K
E952Cyclamic acid and its Na and Ca salts
E954Saccharin and its Na, K and Ca salts
E959Neohesperidine DC
E960aSteviol glycosides from stevia
E960cEnzymatically produced steviol glycosides
E962Salt of aspartame-acesulfame
E964Polyglycitol syrup
E965(i) Maltitol
(ii) Maltitol syrup

Emulsifiers, stabilisers, thickeners and gelling agents

E numbersAdditives
E400Alginic acid
E401Sodium alginate
E402Potassium alginate
E403Ammonium alginate
E404Calcium alginate
E405Propane-1,2-diol alginate
E407aProcessed eucheuma seaweed
E410Locust bean gum; carob gum
E412Guar gum
E414Acacia gum; gum arabic
E415Xanthan gum
E416Karaya gum
E417Tara gum
E418Gellan gum
E426Soybean hemicellulose
E427Cassia gum
E432Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate; Polysorbate 20
E433Polyoxyethylene sorbitan mono-oleate; Polysorbate 80
E434Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monopalmitate; Polysorbate 40
E435Polyoxyethylene sorbitan monostearate; Polysorbate 60
E436Polyoxyethylene sorbitan tristearate; Polysorbate 65
E442Ammonium phosphatides
E444Sucrose acetate isobutyrate
E445Glycerol esters of wood rosins
E461Methyl cellulose
E462Ethyl cellulose
E463Hydroxypropyl cellulose
E464Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose
E465Ethyl methyl cellulose
E466Carboxy methyl cellulose
E468Crosslinked sodium carboxy methyl cellulose
E469Enzymatically hydrolysed carboxy methyl cellulose
E470aSodium, potassium and calcium salts of fatty acids
E470bMagnesium salts of fatty acids
E471Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
E472aAcetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
E472bLactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
E472cCitric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids

Tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids

E472eMono- and diacetyltartaric acid esters of mono-
and diglycerides of fatty acids
E472fMixed acetic and tartaric acid esters of mono-
and diglycerides of fatty acids
E473Sucrose esters of fatty acids
E475Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids
E476Polyglycerol polyricinoleate
E477Propane-1,2-diol esters of fatty acids
E479bThermally oxidised soya bean oil interacted with mono­ and diglycerides of fatty acids
E481Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate
E482Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate
E483Stearyl tartrate
E491Sorbitan monostearate
E492Sorbitan tristearate
E493Sorbitan monolaurate
E494Sorbitan monooleate
E495Sorbitan monopalmitate


Acid, acidity regulators, anti-caking agents, anti-foaming agents, bulking agents, carriers and carrier solvents, emulsifying salts, firming agents, flavour enhancers, flour treatment agents, foaming agents, glazing agents, humectants, modified starches, packaging gases, propellants, raising agents and sequestrants.

E numbersAdditives
E260Acetic acid
E261Potassium acetate
E262Sodium acetate
E263Calcium acetate
E270Lactic acid
E290Carbon dioxide
E296Malic acid
E297Fumaric acid
E325Sodium lactate
E326Potassium lactate
E327Calcium lactate
E330Citric acid
E331Sodium citrates
E332Potassium citrates
E333Calcium citrates
E334Tartaric acid (L-(+))
E335Sodium tartrates
E336Potassium tartrates
E337Sodium potassium tartrate
E338Phosphoric acid
E339Sodium phosphates
E340Potassium phosphates
E341Calcium phosphates
E343Magnesium phosphates
E350Sodium malates
E351Potassium malate
E352Calcium malates
E353Metatartaric acid
E354Calcium tartrate
E355Adipic acid
E356Sodium adipate
E357Potassium adipate
E363Succinic acid
E380Triammonium citrate
E385Calcium disodium ethylene
diamine tetra-acetate;
calcium disodium EDTA
E423Octenyl succinic
acid modified gum Arabic
E499Stigmasterol-rich plant sterols
E500Sodium carbonates
E501Potassium carbonates
E503Ammonium carbonates
E504Magnesium carbonates
E507Hydrochloric acid
E508Potassium chloride
E509Calcium chloride
E511Magnesium chloride
E512Stannous chloride
E513Sulphuric acid
E514Sodium sulphates
E515Potassium sulphates
E516Calcium sulphate
E517Ammonium sulphate
E520Aluminium sulphate
E521Aluminium sodium sulphate
E522Aluminium potassium sulphate
E523Aluminium ammonium sulphate
E524Sodium hydroxide
E525Potassium hydroxide
E526Calcium hydroxide
E527Ammonium hydroxide
E528Magnesium hydroxide
E529Calcium oxide
E530Magnesium oxide
E535Sodium ferrocyanide
E536Potassium ferrocyanide
E538Calcium ferrocyanide
E541Sodium aluminium phosphate
E551Silicon dioxide
E552Calcium silicate
E553a(i) Magnesium silicate
(ii) Magnesium trisilicate
E554Sodium aluminium silicate
E555Potassium aluminium silicate
E570Fatty acids
E574Gluconic acid
E575Glucono delta-lactone
E576Sodium gluconate
E577Potassium gluconate
E578Calcium gluconate
E579Ferrous gluconate
E585Ferrous lactate
E620Glutamic acid
E621Monosodium glutamate
E622Monopotassium glutamate
E623Calcium diglutamate
E624Monoammonium glutamate
E625Magnesium diglutamate
E626Guanylic acid
E627Disodium guanylate
E628Dipotassium guanylate
E629Calcium guanylate
E630lnosinic acid
E631Disodium inosinate
E632Dipotassium inosinate
E633Calcium inosinate
E634Calcium 5'-ribonucleotides
E635Disodium 5'-ribonucleotides
E640Glycine and its sodium salt
E650Zinc acetate
E901Beeswax, white and yellow
E902Candelilla wax
E903Carnauba wax
E905Microcrystalline wax
E907Hydrogenated Poly-1-Decene
E914Oxidised Polyethylene wax
E942Nitrous oxide
E999Quillaia extract
E1203Polyvinyl alcohol
E1205Basic methacrylate copolymer
E1206Neutral methacrylate copolymer
E1207Anionic methacrylate copolymer
acetate copolymer
E1209Polyvinyl alcohol-polyethylene
glycol-graft- co-polymer
E1404Oxidised starch
E1410Monostarch phosphate
E1412Distarch phosphate
E1413Phosphated distarch phosphate
E1414Acetylated distarch phosphate
E1420Acetylated starch
E1422Acetylated distarch adipate
E1440Hydroxyl propyl starch
E1442Hydroxy propyl distarch phosphate
E1450Starch sodium octenyl succinate
E1451Acetylated oxidised starch
E1452Starch aluminium Octenyl succinate
E1505Triethyl citrate
E1517Glyceryl diacetate (diacetin)
E1518Glyceryl triacetate; triacetin
E1519Benzyl alcohol
E1520Propan-1,2-diol; propylene glycol
E1521Polyethylene glycol
Approved additives and E numbers (2024)


Are food additives with E numbers safe? ›

All food additives, including artificial colours have an E number, which means they've passed safety tests and are approved for use in the EU. According to research funded by the Food Standards Agency, the 6 food colours most closely linked to hyperactivity in children are: E102 (tartrazine)

What does the E mean when used on additives? ›

E numbers, short for Europe numbers, are codes for substances used as food additives, including those found naturally in many foods, such as vitamin C, for use within the European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

What preservative numbers should I avoid? ›

Some common food additives that may cause problems

Preservatives – benzoates 210, 211, 212, 213; nitrates 249, 250, 251, 252; sulphites 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225 and 228. Artificial sweetener – aspartame 951.

Is E473 bad for you? ›

EFSA's Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS) concluded though that the exposure to E473 exceeded the acceptable daily intake (ADI) of 40 milligrams/kilogram/body weight/day (mg/kg/bw/day) for population groups including toddlers and children.

What is the number 1 food additive in the United States? ›

1. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is a common food additive used to intensify and enhance the flavor of savory dishes.

What are the most toxic food additives? ›

The substances—brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben, Red Dye No. 3, and titanium dioxide—have each been linked to serious health problems, including a higher risk of cancer, nervous system damage, hyperactivity, and other behavioral problems.

What are 3 health problems caused by additives? ›

According to several studies, health issues such as asthma, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), heart difficulties, cancer, obesity, and others are caused by harmful additives and preservatives. Some food additives may interfere with hormones and influences growth and development.

What E number is msg? ›

Monosodium glutamate (E621) is widely used in marketing as a flavor enhancer and is added to many processed foods.

Why do some numbers have e in them? ›

In statistics, the symbol e is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828183. Prism switches to scientific notation when the values are very large or very small. For example: 2.3e-5, means 2.3 times ten to the minus five power, or 0.000023.

What is the difference between INS and E number? ›

An additive that appears in the INS does not automatically have a corresponding E number. INS numbers are assigned by the committee to identify each food additive. INS numbers generally correspond to E numbers for the same compound, e.g. INS 102, Tartrazine, is also E102.

Are there E numbers in bananas? ›

For example, an organically grown all natural banana contains 50 or more chemicals including E560, E461, E462, E464, E466, E467, E101, E300, E306, E160a & E1510. E-number stabilisers, or E400s, are a vital ingredient for many supermarket products and are often natural.

Do vitamins have E numbers? ›

Many E numbers are naturally occurring substances, such as vitamin B1 (E101) and even oxygen (E948).

What are the side effects of e151? ›

Causes serious eye irritation. May cause respiratory irritation. May cause cancer.

What are the side effects of E142 food additive? ›

Unfortunately, high amounts of E142 food colour can cause side effects. The most common are allergic reactions (e.g. skin allergies), asthma, hyperactivity, insomnia, and anaemia.

What are the side effects of E300 food additive? ›

In the quantities usually used as additives for food preservation, acidification or stabilization, no harmful effects have been reported so far. On the contrary, ascorbic acid and ascorbates (E300 to E304) even have a health-promoting effect because they act like natural vitamin C which the body cannot produce itself.

What are the side effects of e202? ›

In all, the likelihood of potassium sorbate causing harmful side effects is very low. But if you experience signs of a possible allergic reaction (like mouth tingling, swelling, itching or hives), stop eating or using the product, recommends the Mayo Clinic.


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.